Turn Your Dreams Into Our Reality

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People always teased Harry for owning a gold thong.

Or that fic where Harry wears thongs, bedtime routines are a hassle, Louis has a kink for fucking in other people's beds and Harry genuinely thinks Louis is a bottom.

link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4994923

autor: orphan_account

"For fucks sake, can you all just get settled already?" Louis calls from the door. Harry stares at him from his bed fondly, unable to stop the smile on his face as he watches the petite boy stand there with his hand on his hip, tapping his foot impatiently. Harry wonders how he expects anyone to take him seriously when he's standing there like a tiny sleepy pixie in nothing but tight superman boxers.

He waits for the boys to adjust themselves in their assigned bunks, in their tiny room the X-Factor had so graciously given them to share. After about half a minute, the boy finally get comfy under their blankets. Louis turns out the light.

He turns on his phone, illuminating the room with enough light so that he can find his way back to his bed over the piles of clothes, instruments, and other random items littering the floor.

"I swear, one day I'm going to trip and break my neck just trying to cross this fucking room." Louis mutters to himself.

Harry hears the comment and snorts, "Funny, considering you're the one who made most of this mess."

Louis gasps in the middle of the statement, tripping slightly over an empty cereal box on the ground. He knows Harry is right, but never in his life would Louis Tomlinson admit to being messy. Or clumsy, for that matter.

He manages to let out a groan, "Fuck off, Curly."

Harry grins, sitting up in bed to watch Louis continue to struggle to get to his bed. "You love me."

"Quite the humble one aren't you?"

Harry smirks, "I know I'm right."

The older boy rolls his eyes. "Fine you idiot," He huffs, "I love you sooo much." He grumbles out, finally reaching his bed.

Despite the obvious sarcasm, Harry's grin doubles in size, dimples stretching animately at the simple words. He thanks God that it's dark, or the other boys would be teasing the hell out of him for it. He does fond pretty bad, he supposes. To be fair, it's not his fault that he's overjoyed at the thought of such a cute boy actually loving him back. Even if he only meant it in the bro-dude-laddy-lad-pal way.

"I love you mooore." Harry finally coos back, overexagerrating his declaration.

Louis sighs, wanting to think of a sarcastic comeback again but deciding against it. He can't bare but be honest with Harry so, "Doubt it." Louis replies, blushing. Getting adjusted under his covers, he turns his phone off as he and Harry's nightly ritual begins.

Harry gasps, "Pumpkin, you know I love you more."

Louis holds back a giggle, "No, you know I love you more-"

"Hey, no, no, no. You're not starting this again." Niall interrupts.

"Excuse you Louis, how dare you tell me you surpass my love for you." Harry exclaims, ignoring Niall.

"How dare you think I'm lying, Harold.", accuses Louis.

"Oh for the love of God." Liam mutters, putting the pillow over his head.

"Go to sleep you fucking losers." Zayn grumbles.

"The rule is one goodnight per person. No more. So, shut up." Niall adds on.

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