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TALIA WASN'T SURE why she agreed to this and as soon as she was walking with jack she knew that this was definitely a bad idea.

jack and her were just making small talk as they walked with talia asked about training and how everything was going for him and jack asking questions about her life. she learned she actually really enjoyed his company and found herself laughing at stuff he said.

"here we are" he said as they reached a rather large house, especially as she knew it was only ben living here. jack opened the door and walked straight in without knocking to which talia paused for a moment before following him inside.

the first thing she noticed was the sound coming from down the hall and she assumed it was the guys. there was a mixture of cheering, laughing and general conversation and she soon realised it wasn't just a couple of the guys but what sounded like to be the whole squad.

"what have i gotten myself into?" she muttered as she got closer and closer to the sound.

"ah jacky is back" she heard a unknown voice say as jack entered the room and put everything that he bought down on the table.

"you alright? missed me that much when i was only gone for 10 minutes chilly" she saw him sat down and psyched herself up before just walking. she knew she couldn't run away and that she had to walk in at some point so why not just face it and get it over with.

before she could even consider anything or think of what her next actions were going to be, she walked right into what she now knew was the living room and was stood in the middle of the group who were sat down in different areas. she definitely had not thought this through.

all of the sound and action stopped as they all looked at the blonde and nudged the ones who hadn't yet realised the uninvited guest. talia roman had never completely understood the phrase 'you could hear a pin drop' until this moment where there were at least 15-20 men in complete silence as they just looked at her.

some were confused, shocked and others looked amused.

she saw declan reach down to his phone and unlock it before tapping away. she furrowed her eyebrows at the action and then tried to think of what to say as she assumed the rest of the group were also trying to do. they all sat in silence and studied her and the situation while she stood with her hands in front of her.

the silence was broken as multiple phones went off at the same time and everyone reached for their phones.

she heard one person shout before she opened her phone "I'VE GOT A TEXT!" she heard a couple of people laugh at the reference and had to hold her laugh back.


england national handball team
rice, rice baby added imposter aka talia

rice, rice baby
well this is interesting
who is gonna start talking?

money mase
think talking on here is
everyone should start hiding
objects that she can throw at us.

imposter aka talia
i am literally in the groupchat


TALIA LOOKED UP from her phone, reached for the half empty bottle that was next to her and in one swift move she launched the bottle at mason. declan and who she assumed was luke shaw hid behind their arms and lifted their knees to defend themselves.

mason jumped before clutching the spot that she hit which was conveniently around his lower area. some of the boys laughed while others muttered some 'oohs' and 'aaahs'.

"okay that was deserved" the chelsea player muttered before looking at her and shooting a sweet smile her way in hopes of her returning it.

"yeah no shit" although her smile wasn't as wide, she did send a tight lipped smile his way and he felt his heart, disgustingly, flutter.

the silence enveloped them again as they were once again stuck trying to think of what to say next. talia took a moment to observe the surroundings before she sighed and flopped down in the free space next to declan, she knew she was going to be here for a while so why not make herself comfortable. she felt declan stiffen in fear of what the small but feisty girl was going to do next.

"so what episode of love island are you guys on?" she motioned towards the laptop that some of the boys were watching the popular show on while the others played fifa on the tv.

she felt all eyes still on her but tried to act as unbothered as possible and declan relaxed while explaining what was happening in the episode that they were watching.


AUTHORS NOTE: is she going to kill mason and get married to jack? yes or no? who knows.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙩 - 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩Where stories live. Discover now