A Child

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It was a rainy morning and the cadets had horse training. Levi hated it because he would get dirty while supervising the youngsters. After the training he went straight home to get a shower. The rain got even heavier "Tch. Why the hell is it raining?" Levi clicked with his tongue when he noticed a box standing in a corner of a house, strange noises came from it. He first tried to ignore it but a quieck came from it and he went back. He looked inside, knife ready in his hands because it could be dangerous, when he noticed it was a child. IT was approximately not older than 14 months and t lied there with a thin blanket looking at Levi with big round eyes full of curiosity. He gasped, who would do such a thing to a baby. He looked around but there was no one and as he was annoyed he bent over and took the thing in his arms and observed it. It's lips were already blue and it was very cold and dirty. He looked at it disgusted, then wrapped his scout cape around it and ran home.

The whole way home the child was silent and just stared at the short, handsome, annoyed man who rescued it, not that it had any knowledge what that meant. At home he made a bath ready and laid the child down in his bed. "What am I gonna do with you? I am a soldier and I definitely don't need another brat that annoys the shit out of me. Hange and Erwin would probably be against you too." Levi told to himself, knowing it was a mistake to take it here but he had a soft spot for abandoned children as he was an orphan himself. Then he undressed himself and the baby and went into the bathtub. Lucky it was weekend because on weekends there was warm water storage for all cadets, like a spa day. He didn't know much about children and obviously nothing about babies. But Hange told him to comfort the head so that the neck doesn't flip over and never let the child drown. He used these points and bathed with it. When he heard a loud bang and immediately noticed that Hange was home. "LEVAAIII!" Hange screamed and rustled around in their room. "OH ARE YOU TAKING A BATH. CAN I HAVE ONE TOO, IS THERE EVEN WATER LEFT?" "Hange shut your mouth, you're being annoyingly loud. Yes I am in the tub, no there is no water left." Hange noticed the more politeness in Levis words and found it sus. She went to the bathroom door and knocked "Are you OK?" "Yes, why shouldn't I be four eyes?" "Ok, no I am coming in. Something is wrong with you." "No stop. Four eyes. Hange stop right there. ZOE!" Levi used he given name because of the panic that she will notice the baby before he figured out how to explain it. But saying her given name made her even more curios and she went in just to see a naked Levi with a baby that was sound asleep in his arms. Her eyes went wide and her smile faded "Hange i know this may seem.... why are you looking so angry?" She crossed her arms "So the greatest soldier doesn't wasn't his partners he is in love with to see him naked, but a simple child had permission to? I don't get it. Why it and not us?" Levis mouth fell open in disbelief "Th-that's what you're worried about? Not that I am sitting here SHOWING myself NAKED to you with a fricking child?" "No. Oh and Levi you should hold the baby more into the water or it will be cold but look that the head is above the water, like this." She came over and showed Levi the right position for it to stay warm and sleep nicely in his arms. Then she casually undressed herself and went into the tub. Levi rushed to the edge of the tub "What in beans nose hair are you trying to do?" "I am taking a bath with my beloved one, isn't that allowed. Come on, we don't have boundaries anymore. Erwin should be coming too in a couple of minutes." Then she went in and made herself comfortable while Levi looked like a titan went in. "What is it that you're looking at Levi? Do I look that bad?" Hange giggled, Levi just bluntly looked at her, he was not used to naked people and he had slight panic attacks when it came to more spicy things, "I-I... F-Four eyes your... your b-boobs." In that moment an echoing laughter bursts out from her, she laughed so hard that water swapped over the edge. "Levi that is the funniest thing you ever said... ahhahahahah. Of course I have boobs. I just bind them in bandages 'cause they are not that small so I look like I don't have any. But I take it as a compliment. By the way ca I hold that very interested baby too?" Levi looked down and the little human looked over to Hange. He nearly dropped it when it made hand movements in Hanges direction. "Uh sure. Here four eyes." When he gave her the little one, Erwin came home. "Levi, Hange where are you?" "In the bathtub Erwin, come here too, Levi took all the water." Zoe called out. Erwin furrowed his eyebrows when he stepped to the bathroom. He went in and saw a naked Levi and the bare back of Hange "Uwahh!" he gasped because he had never seen Levi entirely naked and Hange also just barely took her clothes off so it was their first time seeing all of all naked. But a cry brought him back to reality and he looked around even more shocked "God Erwin. Was that really necessary , now it's crying." Levi said annoyed and crawled over to Hange to take the child, immediately it shuts up and plays with his hand that he held out for it. Erwin was stunned, he was just away for one day and in that time Levi and Hange somehow birthed a child. "So, uh.. would anybody like to explain why you two suddenly have a child? Just for my info, Hange wasn't pregnant, at least not to my knowledge." "No, hahhah, I was not. But I think Levi has to explain some things. But first of all come in or there will really be no warm water be left." Hange giggled. Erwin looked nervously to Levi "Come in you grouchy old man, I don't mind anymore." Levi said while rolling his eyes. Slowly Erwin undressed and a little gasp came from LEvi and a whistle from Hange. After they settled all down they looked to Levi who tried to get his finger back from the child. "Ok, Ok. Just wait, I have to tame that little titan here or I will have no pinkie finger anymore."

"So.. I went home from the horse training when I noticed a small box that was laying there in the rain. I first ignored it but then this demon here screamed and I went over to check. There was no one around and I just took it with me because it would've died. End of the story. And no Hange, no questions why I picked that monster up." Levi ended. Hange was giggling on Erwins chest, as they started to cuddle. Erwin was more serious "And what do you intend to do with it Lei. I mean we are all barely staying alive and now you drag a child here. I don't know, what should we do with it? Give it to the orphanage or to a woman in the city?" Suddenly Hange jumped up. "Absolutely not. This is ours now. I think Levi agrees that we can't just give it away after it has been abandoned already!" She looked over to him and he gave a short but certain nod. "See Erwin. Also what do we name her?" "WE WON'T NAME HER" I don't now if that is a good thing to do." both Erwin and Levi said "Oh come on guys. We can't call he brat, Levi, and we can't call her *it*, Erwin. I go with Katara." Levis ears exploded "No absolutely not. I am for Ada." Erwin sighed "I go with Levi, sorry Hange but I go with Levi." "Thanks Erwin. Very wise of you. Four eyes surrender my name won." "Oh com ohon." she giggled but then took the baby out of Levis hands and gave it to Erwin. It poked at the lightly haired breast of Erwin and he chuckled "Aren't you a little cute bean?" "Hange come here. I'll shower your back and wash you since you just do a cat wash." Levi promptly said.

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