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'Another busy day' Jihoon thought as he got up and went to wake up Rowan. He went to his room and kissed his forehead while saying "Wake up baby, it's time for school". After a little whining Jihoon eventually managed to wake Rowan up. He got ready and got breakfast on the way. On the way to the school Rowan once again asked "When will I have a mommy?" Jihoon sighed and said "Rowan, that's something I can't promise you.". After dropping Rowan off, Jihoon went to work.

Hyunsuk's P.O.V:

It was lunch time and I saw Rowan sitting down alone, watching other kids play. So I decided to talk to him, I sat down next to him and said "Hey, Rowan" he looks up to me and says "Hello". Rowan looked sad so I tried asking him what was wrong. "Hey, what's wrong? You look sad." "It's nothing" he said, looking down. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me." I said. I decided to change the topic to make the mood lighter. "Why don't you tell me about your family, Rowan?". Rowan looked at me with sparkling eyes and said "Well, you saw my daddy, he's really nice and he loves me so much. Then I have my auntie Rosé, she's a very famous model and she cares for me and my daddy alot. And my uncle Jay, he loves all of us very much. He always buys me ice cream and takes me out whenever daddy's busy.". He kept giggling in between which was the cutest thing ever. But I realised he never told me about his mother, so I decided to ask him "What about your mom, Rowan?". "My mommy? I don't know" he shrugs while looking down. I frown, I was about to ask him what he meant but the bell rang. So I took him to class and went to my own class. I thought about asking him later.

School was over as I decided to just go home. As I was walking out the school gate, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and saw the caller id, it was my sister "Hey, Jennie noona!" "Hello Hyunsuk, I wanted to ask you for a favor. When are you free?" my sister asked. "Uhm, this week I'm really busy noona, maybe next week I can come by?" "Ah, sure Hyunsuk-a no need to hurry. Come to my house whenever you get free next week. I have to go brother, bye." "Bye noona, love you" I said. "Love you too" I started to walk to my car after Jennie noona ended the call.

Jihoon's P.O.V:

I drove to pick up Rowan, and decided to hurry back to work as noona wanted to talk to me about something important. I arrived at my office and saw my sister sitting at my chair. "Hey, so what was that something you wanted to tell me about? Can you hurry, I'm kinda busy here." I said. She looks at me and says "So I wanted to tell you that I talked to my friend about you needing a new babysitter.". I raised my eyebrow at her and said "Please make sure it's not a bitch like the last one." "Language Mr.Park. Anyways my friend said she'll ask her brother for babysitting." She remarked. "Oh thank god, it's gonna be a guy." I said sighing. "I'm gonna leave soon, you want me to drop you home?" I asked. She looked at me "Uh no, but thanks for asking. Jay oppa is picking me up since he needs me on an important dinner." I nodded.

After finishing up my work, I walked out after noona left. I got in my car with a sleeping Rowan in my arms. I drove back home and after taking a shower. I tried to make Kimchi fried rice. It turned out pretty good. Rowan and I ate and decided to go to bed. Since I was really tired I fell asleep as soon as I laid down.

Narrator's P.O.V:

The next day, at lunch time. Hyunsuk decided to talk to Rowan again. Hyunsuk went over to Rowan and sat next to him. "Hello, Rowan." Hyunsuk smiled while looking at Rowan. "Hello! Thank you for talking to me yesterday." Rowan suddenly hugged Hyunsuk, startling him. "Ah, it's no problem, baby." Hyunsuk said while hugging and ruffling Rowan's hair. "So I wanted to ask you something." "What is it?" Rowan looked at Hyunsuk with innocent eyes. "Where's you mom? I've never seen her." Rowan looked down and said "I don't have one.". Hyunsuk furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You don't have one? Why?" Hyunsuk asked. "I don't know, whenever I ask daddy he always tells me to stop thinking about it." Rowan said sniffling. Hyunsuk hugged Rowan, trying to comfort him as he hugged Hyunsuk back and started crying. "Hey it's okay, don't cry." "You care for me just like daddy does." Rowan whispered, calming down. Hyunsuk smiled and kissed Rowan's forehead "Well, I'm glad you like me." "Can you do something for me?" Rowan asked. Hyunsuk caressed Rowan's cheeks and said "What is it, baby?" "Will you be my mommy? Since I don't have one and you care for me just like my daddy does." Hyunsuk's cheeks grew red as his eyes widened. "Me as your mommy?" he asked. Rowan nodded his head while giving Hyunsuk his puppy eyes. Hyunsuk couldn't refuse and smiled "Sure, baby."

After school Jihoon came to pick Rowan up. As Rowan excitedly ran up to his father and hugged him while giggling. Jihoon hugged his son back and asked him "You look happy today, what did you do?" he said while squishing Rowan's cheeks and getting in the car. Rowan once again giggled and said "You know daddy, how I always asked you about my mommy!" Jihoon sighed thinking about how many times his son asked him about his mother. Rowan continued and said "Well today I got my mommy!" Jihoon's eyes widened as he heard his son. "Wait what who?" Rowan smiled at his father and said "You remember my maths teacher? He's now my mommy!" As soon as Jihoon heard about Hyunsuk being Rowan's mommy he choked on air and his cheeks flared up. He just rushed home and decided to take a shower and make food for dinner and after eating and cleaning up he put Rowan to bed and went to sleep himself. He barely got any sleep that night as he kept thinking about Hyunsuk and what it meant about him becoming Rowan's mommy.

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