part one

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Hi guys I will be updating the chapters daily 😊

Oh also minor smut warning ⚠️⚠️

Pls remember to comment and vote ❤️

Sorry but i will most likley not be writing anymore of this.

Every time me and chat go on our nightly patrol together, I start to notice something different about me. I find myself staring at chat, I stumble on my words, and I actully enjoy his silly nickanames for me. But I cant be in love with him, im in love with Adrien, I dont know what to do. Anyway, today me and chat are facing a villian called the prankster she was akumatized after her classmates kept pulling ruthless pranks on her, and she wanted her revenge. When me and chat meet up he says with a grin on his face,"hey bugaboo". I blush but I relpy back," hey kitty ready to face our villian for toady?" "I will alway be ready to do anything as long as my bugaboos with me," he states with a wide grin. "Come on kitty we have to get to work" I say rolling my eyes. We take off leaping through the bulidings together until we find our villain. "Hahaha you will never defeat me I will get you and your miraculouses!" The prankster says with a despicable laugh. The prankster pulls out her bag of tricks and grabs a freeze ray, how will you be able to stop me when your both popsicles?" She says with another evil laugh. The prankster than starts shooting the freeze ray every were lukily cat noir breaks the gun with his staff. "Where do you think the akuma is?" chat shouts at me. "I think its in the bag!" I reply back. "Lucky charm!" I shout, sumoning my lucky charm. A frisbee falls itno my hands, "a frisbee what am i suposed to do with this?" I ask. "Wait i know what to do!" I shout. I throw the fribee torwards the prankster the frisbee knocks the bag out of her hands, I catch the bag and break it. The akuma then emerges from the bag. "Time to devilize" I shout. After I devilize the akuma me and chat do our usual pound it. "Bye m'lady" cat noirs says, but I dont want him to leave. "Wait!" I call after him. He stops and comes back, "what is it m'lady?" he askes "can you stay?" I ask. "Sure" he relplys. We then sit on the edge of a buliding talking I cant stand him not knowing that I love him i have to tell him. " Chat?" I say, "Yes bugaboo?" he asks. "I have to tell you somting" I say, "what is it bugaboo?" He replys. "I-i love you" I spit out. "Me too" he says. I am about to talk but he stops my lips with a kiss. It feels so wonderful I dont want him to stop he kisses my neck my forhead and my lips with gentle kisses evently the kisses get harder to the point were hes giving me hickeys. Then he sudenly stops,"why did you stop?" i ask. "we should go somwere private" he says "but were?" I ask. "How about we get a hotel room?" he says. "Sure, I dont care were we go as long as im with you" I say we then get a hotel room at the nearest hotel. I am tiered so I climb into bed. "Mind if i join you?" Chat askes. "Not at all" I reply. I dont really remember what happend that night but I woke up naked in chats arms, he was also naked, "chat" I say trying to wake him up. He slowly wakes up "yes bugaboo?" Hes says with a yawn. "I think we did it" I say nervously. chat sudenly relizes what happend, "I think your right" he says. I look over at the clock, "oh no I need to get to school!" I say, "same" he replys, "well, bugout" I say as I sneak out of the room.

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