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third person.

"okay so i have called all of you here today for a meeting" delilah announced as she sat a bowl of chips on the table.

"i'm scared, but thankful you're feeding me so carry on" queenie grabbed some chips.

"i have to catch you all up on some events that have taken place so please stay with me" the girl told them. "lilian i texted you a summary"

"oh thank you" lilian said pulling out her phone seeing the notification. "you know me so well"

delilah had called all of the girls which are, evie, franny, may, and all of boysworld, to come meet at her apartment to tell them about the kiss between her and zach.

she thought it'd be way easier to tell them all in person then text them all, and this way they could all finally meet each other.

"so what's with the emergency meeting?" olivia asked the younger girl.

"well zach and i kissed last night" delilah voiced watching all the girl's jaws drop.

"i'm sorry i thought i heard you say you and zach kissed" franny breathed out a laugh.

"no i did just say that" delilah nodded.

"y'all....kissed?" makhyli asked.

"like mouth on mouth?" may pressed.

"last night?" elana added.

"yes, yes, and yes" delilah answered. "for like two hours"

"TWO HOURS?" evie jumped in.

"what the fuck kind of 'what am' i shit is this?" franny scratched her head in confusion.

"i'm still in awe" queenie tilted her head. "like this actually happened"

"and happened last night" olivia recited as if she was struggling to wrap her head around it.

"YOU AND ZACH KISSED?" lilian yelled looking up from her phone.

"lilian, sweetie we're passed that already, catch up" makhyli patted her back.

"bro what the fuck, how did y'all get in that position?" may asked.

"well yesterday jaden asked me to be his girlfriend" delilah started.

"oh please tell me you didn't just cheat on him" franny begged.

"franny— no of course not, i told jaden i didn't want to date him" delilah shook her head.

"oh good, i didn't like him, but i will never justify cheating" franny breathed out.

"he apparently told zach that i had shut him down and when zach and i met up last night he asked me about it which ironically put us in the same position we were when victoria was in the picture" delilah explained.

"oh shit really?" queenie gasped.

"yeah, and then he just swooped in and kissed me telling me that jaden wasn't my match"

"awww wait that's kind of cute" olivia held her hands over her heart.

"yeah that's a great way to tell someone that you're madly in love with them. why didn't jack ask me out like that?" evie complained.

"because you guys started dating as a joke and then just never stopped" franny reminded her.

"oh yeahh" evie reminisced.

lilian furrowed her eyebrows, "how do you start dating as a joke?"

"long story i'll tell you another time" evie told the girl who just nodded.

"so are you and zach dating now?" elana asked.

"um no"

"WHAT?" all the girls said at the same time.

"well why not?" olivia groaned.

"i told him we can't date just yet, i mean i just turned jaden down after seeing him for a while so i don't think it's good for me to just hop into a relationship right now" delilah exclaimed.

"so what did he say after you told him that?" may asked her.

"well i told him when we were both headed to our cars and he was just like 'okay i get that, just let me know when you're ready' and then just got in his car to leave" delilah spoke.

"you won, congratulations! God has granted you the perfect man" evie claimed.

delilah laughed, "that could be true, but zach hasn't talked to me all day and it's now eight o'clock"

"well maybe he's giving you some space" elana shrugged. "you did tell him you didn't want to start a relationship yet"

"he probably thinks you'd also want some space too" may agreed.

"space for what though?"

"space to figure out where you are emotionally" lilian said.

"she's right, he currently has no idea where your head's at" franny added.

"he still doesn't know if you like him or not since you have yet to tell him you do" queenie pointed out.

"he hasn't told me if he likes me though, so how am i supposed to be sure" delilah reasoned.

"yeah but he initiated the kiss between the two of you" makhyli reminded her.

"in his head that's telling you he likes you" evie shrugged.

"i kissed him back though, for two hours, that's got to give him some idea" delilah mentioned.

"but then you went ahead and told him you didn't want a relationship yet because of the last guy you were talking to" olivia shook her head. "that definitely hurt his ego"

delilah groaned as she thought about it. "oh i really fucked that one up"

"no you didn't, you've been given a very understanding guy, so all you have to do is talk to him about it" franny said.

delilah sighed, "fine okay i'll talk to him tomorrow"

"are you not meeting him tonight?" may asked.

"no he has to make up for missing filming for the documentary tonight, i don't know why he missed though" delilah shrugged.

"oh! that's when he found out he liked you but you were with jaden so he just left" evie said causing franny to hit her. "ow!"

"well there's another example of how in love he is with you" lilian spoke as everyone, including delilah, agreed.


this is my comfort book it brings me sm joy bro
bye loves <3

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