Chapter 14

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After the incident with Gabe I sat huddled next to my dad underneath the blanket Arden had placed around my shoulders. By now Marie and Danny were up. Marie kept sending me sympathetic looks while Danny just looked lost.

I made sure to keep as much distance between us as possible as I watched Gabe stumble around the room trying to collect his things in his hurry to get out. I didn't really need to worry though because the entire time Cory made sure he was always blocking me from Gabe's sight.

Not that he could see much with two swollen black eyes anyway.

As Gabe grabbed the last of his belongings he turned to look at Cory with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Listen man. You don't have to do this. We can-"

"Get out."

They were only two simple words, but the way Cory said them made me glad he wasn't talking to me.

Realizing there was no point in trying to argue his case anymore Gabe slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the stairs.

Just as he placed his foot on the bottom step his eyes connected with mine and all I could see reflected back was a promise.

If I ever came across Gabe again there was no doubt in my mind what he'd do to me.

Cory stepped in front of Gabe cutting me off from his line of sight yet again and pointed toward the top of the stairs.

"I won't say it again."

Gabe hung his head, trying to play the wounded victim role to the very end, but it was pointless. No one was letting him stay after what he did.

Once he was at the top of the stairs Cory turned to look at Arden.

"I'll go and make sure he really leaves." Cory glanced at me and Arden nodded, seemingly understanding his unspoken words.

"I'll make sure she's okay."

Cory nodded before making his way up the steps. As soon as he was out of sight I wrapped the blanket tighter around my body suddenly feeling a lot colder.

"Are you cold?" Arden asked, noticing my actions.

"Just a little chilly."

Arden quickly ran to the room where she had prepared my soup for me before and just like the last time she brought out another steaming bowl of soup for me.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that I had no appetite after the ordeal I had just went through. After all she was just trying to be nice. So, I simply took the bowl of soup with a small grateful smile.

"If you ever want to talk I'm here." Arden said quietly as she watched me take small spoonfuls of the soup.

To be honest I didn't want to talk about what had just happened ever again. I'd rather just forget it ever happened.

Instead of saying that though, I simply said, "Thanks Arden."

Arden opened her mouth to say something else but the sound of Cory's returning footsteps interrupted her and a moment later Cory was back.

For some reason I couldn't meet his eyes and suddenly found the frayed edges of the blanket to be the most interesting thing in the world.

Cory opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but then suddenly thought better of it. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he stormed across the floor into one of the rooms before slamming the door behind him making everyone flinch.

I glanced up at Arden in question but she simply shook her head before returning to her sleeping bag.

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get any sleep after what had just happened but I snuggled down into my sleeping bag anyway.

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