Chapter 5: Age 17, Dumb Drinking Decisions

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The oh so familiar yelling, accompanied by loud banging on his front door, made Konohamaru raise an eyebrow. What did Boruto want now?

"Yeah yeah. I'm coming!" he addressed the door to interrupt the yelling—the neighbors always complained about incessant shouting at ungodly hours—and to let the impatient teenager know that he was on his way to let him in as he walked down the hallway. "What's all this commotion?"

Boruto, visibly vibrating with the effort to remind still on the patio as he waited for his slow as big bro to open the door, virtually bounced on the spot when Konohamaru finally showed up.

"I need your help to improve my Sexy no Jutsu!" He explained as he squeezed himself in between the doorframe and Konohamaru, heading towards the living room without even stopping to make sure Konohamaru followed.

"Eh?! You mastered that jutsu years ago!" Konohamaru replied. "Perfect bust to ass ratio. Seductive smile. Alluring poses." Ah, Boruto really was skilled. Konohamaru got emotional just thinking about it. He was so talented that it brought a tear to Konomaharu's eyes how well Boruto carried on his father's legacy. "You got it all down pat! Really. There's nothing more I can teach you, kore!"

"But, but! I have to make it better, ya know?" Boruto plonked himself down on the couch with a frustrated groan.

"Uh...why? Your sexy jutsu's fine, kore. So what's this really about?" Konohamaru prodded, coming down for his emotional interlude. Boruto seemed really upset about something, so Konohamaru'd have to pull himself together. Boruto storming in as if his butt was on fire demanding to improve on a jutsu he'd known since the academy seemed rather...odd. Something else must be up.

The kid squirmed at that. Yepp. Definitely hit a sore spot. "Come on. I'll make us some coffee, and you can tell me what's bothering you."

After a moment's hesitation, Boruto nodded, and Konohamaru left him to his wallowing. He had a feeling he would need some pretty strong coffee to deal with whatever what was plaguing Boruto this time.




"Okay, want to tell me now what this is really about?" Konohamaru asked as he took a seat.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Boruto took a sip, grimaced, and chucked some more sugar in, and then reached for the milk, pouring as much as his mug could hold.

"So I did the Sexy Jutsu in front of Grampa Iruka, just to mess with him, ya know? And Sarada interested. And I mean. Come on!"

Coughing, Konohamaru covered his grin behind the coffee cup. Ouch. That could sting a bit. But why did he care so much If was just his teammate, Sarada? She had seen it many times over the years. Unless...

"So let me get this straight. You are pissed off because Sarada noticed you?" he asked with a raised brow and a twitch at the corner of his mouth. "Or because it wasn't really you?" He took a sip, eyebrow still raised.

"Uh? You know, because..." He groaned. "Aaah, I never knew she liked... Ugg. I knew she was popular among the guys, Kagura, Kawaki, ya know? But now I have to worry about the girls too? Not cool."

The Jonin coughed the coffee out and sputtered, struggling to breathe. Did he get that right? "Wh-what? Why girls?"

Boruto slumped over the table. "She's been spending so much time with Chocho and Sumire lately... you think she could be like... into them? They've always hung out since we were young, ya know?"

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