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Chase pov,

There comes a time in everyone's life where they meet their better half and say that, "she's the one." For me, that person is Jo. One of my 5 best friends but the only one I fell in love with. Jo is the one for me. I knew that from the moment I knew what love was. My best friends know about it. Heck, I'm teased about it and I'm almost certain that Jo knows about it. But there is always that nagging fear that makes me believe I will be rejected. That fear keeps on holding me back from confessing my feelings to her. But one day, one day I will walk up to her and say,
"Jo, I love --"

The earth is shaking.

"Chase! Chase!"

Uh no. That's just me. Apparently, I've been day dreaming, again. I shake my head to come back to the present.

"Sorry, was thinking. Whassup?"

Jax looks at me like I'm losing it for a second.

"Uh we are supposed to be getting ready for Brandon's party. So, get ready."

"Uh yeah, okay."

Brandon, the guy that lives on his own. He hardly throws parties because he wouldn't want his baby, Leah to get hurt or drunk or hit on. That guy just takes possessiveness to a whole other level. Anyway, we are currently at his house, in one of his three rooms. Leah and the girls are occupying one while Jax and I occupy the third.

Moving on, I put on a blue v necked t shirt, a black jean trouser and a black button up shirt but leave it unbuttoned. Then put on my black converse and run my hand through my hair and deem myself ready because God knows I'm not about to start combing my hair like girls do or most guys that care so much about their appearance do. The guys wait a while and when the girls finally appear, my breath is taken away.
She is putting on a red off shoulder gown and silver heels and her makeup is light but perfect. I'm pretty sure my mouth is open and I'm staring but I just can't look away from her. She is that beautiful.

"Hi." She blushes.

"Hi, peaches. You look gorgeous."

She smiles.

"Thank you but I've told you to stop calling me peaches." I smirk.

That is never happening. Whenever she blushes, she looks like a peach and she is absolutely beautiful.


She pouts and damn! I almost kiss her right there.

"Why not??"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

She rolls her eyes and we head out to do the various things Brandon asks of us.

Skip to party,

It's been a while since the party started and let me tell you, I've been asked to dance a lot of times and I've rejected them all because I was keeping an eye on Jo and so far, she's been dancing with Leah and Lizzie. But now, she's heading my way.

"Dance with me, Chase."

I can't even speak, I just nod and move with her. I can never tell Jo no. I want to believe it's a coincidence that she asked me to dance when a slow song came on but you never know. I hook my arms around her waist and she puts hers on my neck and we sway to the music. There's no talking but it's not one of those awkward silences. It's a comfortable one where you feel no need to fill it. After a while, Jo puts her head in my neck and nestles there, I smile because it is so adorable.

My breath hitches a bit when I feel her lips graze my neck. It was barely there but I felt it because anything about Jo never escapes my notice.


She nuzzles me. Okay, Jo is definitely not sober.


"How much did you drink?"

"Uh not much."

I smile, "really??"

She giggles.

"Okay. Maybe two or three. Or more?"

She leans out and gives me an innocent smile but I narrow my eyes because she definitely drank more.

"Hmm. Okay. We are getting you water now because I want you sober enough to be aware of her surroundings."

She giggles again.

"Aww. Always the caring one."

I frown and mutter.

"I kinda have to be."

But out loud I say,

"Let's go. Come on."

I have to drag her away from the dance floor because she was not ready to stop dancing and we go to the bartender there.

"Water, please. An unopened bottle."

"Yeah, sure."

A bottle is tossed my way which I catch and give it to Jo.

"Drink. The whole bottle."

She does as I say thankfully and we just chill there a bit so she can get herself together. It can't be more than five minutes when Lizzie comes to us.

"Guys, game room. We are going to play some games!!!"
I see her give a look to Jo which makes her blush and I know that she knows the kind of game we are about to play. I just play along because I'm intrigued. We inform Brandon and Leah. Those two should seriously get together already. And we all head to the game room with additional friends.

"Truth or dare!!!"

I laugh because this is definitely going to be fun.

Okay, we are finally here at book two of the best friend series. For my old readers, welcome back. And for new readers, please it is preferable to read the first book My Best friend and I for better understanding because this is like a continuation. Thank you. Til next time

Loving You. (Best Friend Series) Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now