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Well, after all the necessary ceremonies are done, we start. The first spin fortunately lands on Suzy and let me tell you that girl is nasty.
The next person it lands on is Jo. Hmm. This will either be good or bad.

She smirks evilly. "Truth or dare?"


"How many guys have you slept with?"

I hold my breath as I see Jo choke.
She takes a quick peek at me thinking I would not see her but I so did.

"Uhm.. uhm. N-n-none."

"What???" Majority chorus out loud.

She blushes so badly but repeats with more confidence.

"I said, none. Now, pass me the bottle."

I kinda already suspected but that just confirmed it and I am so glad because we will both experience everything together. It is kinda brave though seeing her pretending like it's nothing.

The bottle is passed to her and she spins it until it lands on Lizzie. She smiles.

"Truth or dare, Lizzie?"


It goes on and on until it gets to Leah and guess what she gets to kiss Brandon. Aww. At least their relationship is getting along. Mine isn't even anywhere closed to getting started.

I want to laugh at the way they are going at it but what I wouldn't give right now to be in their position with Jo right now and I can clearly see Brandon struggling to stay in control so I wouldn't want to take a punch. It's quite admirable that he could even stop Leah from humping him into next Wednesday.

Back to my situation, once Leah and Brandon leaves, we have to start all over again since Leah did not get to spin the bottle but get this, whoever it lands on, you either sit on their lap for the rest of the game or have a make out session like Brandon and Leah just did regardless of the gender. I do not want any girl to sit on me or even make out with anybody that is not Jo. So, I signal her that we should leave and thank fuck she agrees.

Once we are out in the hallway, I notice that her movements are not coordinated so I hold her by the waist and lead her into the room Jax and I used in getting ready. I put her on the bed, take off her shoes and try to tuck her in but remember she needs water.



"I'm going to get you water. It's going to take a few seconds so please do not go anywhere okay?? I will be back as fast as I can."

She nods. "Okay."

I smile and push a strand of hair behind her ear.


I immediately get her the water and lock that bloody door because I don't want anyone wandering in. She drinks but I see her brows furrow which means she in thinking. I'm wondering what it is but don't want to disturb her so I just observe. And a few seconds, I see her nibble on her lips which means she is nervous.

"What's it, peaches?"

She blinks like she's trying to get herself back.


"What's on your mind?"

She blushes. Huh. Interesting.


I smirk. It is most definitely something.

"Okay. If you say so. Get some sleep yeah? I'm just going to grab some blankets and sleep on the floor."

She nods but says nothing so I just get the things and get my makeshift bed ready. Then, I go to tuck her in. I kiss her cheek because it would most definitely make her blush. Which she did. I smile.

"Goodnight, peaches."

I turn to lie on the floor when her little hands grab my arm.

"Uh. Chase?"


I wait but she is not saying anything.


I am cut off by something I have dreamt of for so long. Jo kissed me. Fuck! Jo just kissed me but before I can even savor it or return it she falls on my shoulder. I groan because the universe must be against me. How can she just kiss me and then fall asleep? Why??!!! Shit!
I settle her in and then set myself on my makeshift bed on the ground and replay the kiss over and over because now I know for certain that she at least is attracted to me.

One thing is certain though. I can't wait to see her reaction tomorrow and maybe, just maybe I can get what I have always wanted. A relationship with the girl I've always loved.

The last thought I have before sleep takes me is the realization that now that I know she is attracted to me, I am soo going after what I want.

Which is Jo being mine in every way.  

Loving You. (Best Friend Series) Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now