Character Info and Prologue

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Full Name: Elizabeth Maria Baxter

Nicknames: Lizzy (Everyone), Sweetheart(Vanessa), Honey(Mike)


Hair: Brunette, goes past her shoulders
Eyes: one blue and one green


Mike Baxter(father)
Vanessa Baxter(mother)
Kristen Baxter( little sister)
Mandy Baxter( little sister)
Eve Baxter(little sister)
Boyd Baxter(nephew)
Bud Baxter( grandfather)
Jimmy Baxter(uncle)


Ryan Vogelson
Kyle Anderson
Ed Alzate
Chuck Larrabe
Carol Larrabe
Brandon Larrabe


US Army(Rangers)(former)
An employee at Out Door Man(Current)

Elizabeth was born to a single mother who was an alcoholic and never knew her dad. For 4 years Her mom always came home drunk and would abuse her. One day she ran away and got as far as her legs could carry her and that was to a store called Out Door Man, where that night she was found sleeping near the entrance by Mike Baxter, where he asked her why she was sleeping there and she said she has nowhere to go, so Mike took her home with him and he told his wife, Vanessa and they decided to adopt her, so she was now Elizabeth Baxter.

Elizabeth was shy most of the time but over time she came out of her shell. She liked how Mike would talk about things like hunting and outdoor survival and picked up a lot from him and he taught her everything he knows and there is to it. When it came to sports she prefers baseball but still likes football, though she supports the New York Giants than Denver Broncos and for Baseball she supports the Red Sox.

A few weeks later, she met the rest of the family and she really loves Mikes family a bit more than Vanessa's. She likes her Grandpa Bud and grandma Jean and she likes her Uncle Jimmy and she laughs a bit when he and Mike have crazy arguments. After that, Mike took her to the office where she met Ed and she sees him as a wise old uncle who is a bit nutty sometimes.

2 years later, Mike and Vanessa were expecting a child and was excited about getting a little sibling. so they moved out of their apartment and into a bigger house that came with more bedrooms and bathrooms. After her adoptive parents claim the first master bedroom with an en suite she claimed the second Bedroom with an en suite. The house also came with a big backyard where she and Mike would play catch and other things. After Kristen was born, most of the parent's attention went towards the baby and very little to her and she was scared she wasn't getting any and they noticed that and comforted her and told her she was as important as the baby. A few years later, Mandy was born and a few years after her, Eve.

She was a good student when it came to school but sometimes got into fights. As the years went on she grew up and when she turned 18, she went off and join the Army, specifically the Rangers and got assigned to the 75th Regiment and got deployed in Iraq. Elizabeth did her best when she was there, she always made sure that she called and sent letters. At 23 After her doing yours in Iraq, she got a pass to go home for a bit, and when she arrived she greeted her family and she found out Kristen was pregnant and she met Ryan, the baby daddy. While visiting she talked about her time overseas and the people she met. After spending time with her family, she had to return to the Call of Duty and went back to Iraq for a second tour, but while there she got a phone call from Kristen telling her that Ryan she ran off leaving her to raise the baby all on her know and Elizabeth swore that if she sees Ryan she will end him.

At 25, Elizabeth resigned after a mission went bad, leaving her squad injured or dead and she went home. After arriving home and telling her family what happened, they were happy she was saying. Now she works with Mike at Out Door Man, doing the Catalogue with him and helping around with marketing and other things.

A/n: this is a show I liked and I was thinking of doing this story for a while now. I will update this part because I need to watch the last few seasons first before I do.

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