Chapter 1 part 1

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Lizzy pov:

Today dad and I return home after doing a catalogue shoot in Alaska. It was fun and we bought home a big fish for dinner, while dad grabs the fish, I grabbed our bags and we entered the kitchen "we're back" dad says entering while I come in and put the bags down. Dad tossed the fish onto the table over a sign the others made for us "what am I supposed to do with this?" Mom asks pointing to the fish "you slice it, mount the anus, you pull everything out, pretty self-explanatory" dad says "I got to grab a shower" dad says kissing mom then heading to shower "I got to take one to but first give me hugs" I say hugging my mom and sister and then I lifted Boyd into my arms "hey Boyd, you got a kiss for you Auntie Lizzy" I say in a baby voice and kissing his cheek before giving him back to Kristen and then I head off to my room to take a shower "it's great to be back home" I say

The next morning I was up and ready, I got dressed then headed down to the kitchen for breakfast, I got down there and I saw I was the first one there and I checked the time, it was 6:05, so I grabbed a bowl, cereal and the milk and I had breakfast. After I ate, I cleaned up and went upstairs to pack my bag for when I and dad head to Costa Rica for the spring Catalogue, after I was done I grabbed my jacket and keys and I headed back down and I saw mom was there "morning mom, you look nice" I say thanks sweetheart" mom says then dad walks and I was checking my pockets for my phone" crap, I forgot my phone, don't leave without me" I say to dad then head back upstairs to get my phone, after I got it I went back down and then I heard dad and Kristen talk about a dead beat dad, Aka Ryan who is Boyd's dad, "why are we talking about the man I want to kill?" I said before I went to grab my backpack from the den, I came out and saw Kristen go upstairs and Mandy come downstairs and she started crying about mom leaving and wanted advice and dad offered but Mandy rejected it saying she wanted good advice "hey dad gives good advice, he gave me and Kristen advice all the time" I said, "oh yeah, is that when you got that tattoo or when Kristen came home from her prom pregnant?" She asks "The tattoo is the Ranger logo that I got after I joined," I said "ok calm down," dad says "Im going to wait in the truck" I said going to sit and wait in the truck

After a bit, dad came into the truck and we left, on the way there was silence and then we arrived at the store and went to the office and dad was comparing smells between here and home, as we put our stuff in his office that we share, Dad was talking to an employee named Kyle and how manly his name is until Kyle says that it's his mother maiden name, then I and dad entered Ed's office "hey, Welcome home Mikey, little Lizzy" Ed says hugging us, little Lizzy was always his nickname for me, after we gave him the gift he talked about shutting down the Catalog and we weren't even doing the one in Costa Rica, but he wants us in charge of the website because it wasn't great and we were trying to find a way to improve it, Ed said that if we increase our online sales then he will get us back on the road and I nod yes and dad says its a deal

Later, we went home and I started to research on how to increase the sales on the Website, I heard the door open and saw mom was home "hey sweetheart, how are you?" mom asks "I'm great and you?" I ask "I'm good, where's your dad?" Mom asks, I pointed to the backyard and she went to see him and I decided to take a break and then Mandy came home and she was talking about having a flat tire and neither she nor Travis could change it and call Triple-A to do it and that upset dad and it hurt him that Travis was at a tanning salon, I left and went back to my research. Although I heard something on mom taking the Mustang, My Mustang "over my dead body you are taking my Mustang" I shouted into the kitchen. My Mustang is a 1969 Ford Mustang that I restored and I don't let anyone drive.

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