Chapter 6: A weekend in the Cabin Part 2: The boys' side

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After the boys left the cabin Scott went to his favorite training spot. "As you can see there isn't anything technological here. So here you need to use brains and brute strength." Kevin put up his fits in front of his face and prepared. Scott grins and prepared to fight. "This is going to be fun." He then runs to Kevin and throws a fist. Kevin dodged it and tried to punch him back, but since he was scared, he used his other fist to cover his face letting Scott stop his hand and hit his stomach. Kevin groaned with pain. Scott got ready for another punch and went straight to his face; Kevin copied Scott and stop his punch. Scott responded with kicking his leg to make him lose a little balance and then kicked his back, making him fall on the grass. Scott bends down and said: "Ok. You got the thinking part but, what about the strength?" Scott stood up and picked up Kevin, he then threw him to a tree close by. "Come on Techno geek where is your strength? I know your mental strength but, where's the physical? If I wasn't taking it easy you would be beat up by now and needed medical care." Kevin was panting because of all the hits he got from Scott. "This is you going easy?" Kevin was panicking, what was he going to do? All he knew was making electronic stuff to attack and defend. "What am I going to do? If this is taking it easy, then I don't want him to go harder on me. Think Kevin, think. What can I do to win? Or at least survive." Kevin slowly looked at his surrounding, studying everything around him. But when he started to come up with a plan Scott was already in front of him and lifted him up again.

When he was being lifted, he began to move his hands sending the area around him. "Wait there's metal here, I can use it. But where is it?" Kevin began to search for the metal to try and make some use of it. "OK I found it. Now what can I make?" When he was forming a plan and thinking what he can make Scott threw him once again, ran to him and jumped on him, then began to punch his face and chest. Kevin began to get desperate and began to panic. "Kevin come on; do something you wimp. This is getting boring." Kevin covered his face with both of his hands as a desperate attempt to block Scott. "Yeah, Kevin think. What can I do with this metal? Think. Think! ... ... A knife, that's it. Maybe if I make a knife, I can cut him a bit and run back to the cabin. OK here I go." As Kevin began to make the 'improvised' knife, Scott was beating him up so much that he began to cough blood and he was beginning to have problem breathing. "Almost done... Come to me." The knife came to Kevin, and he made it stab one of Scott's legs. Scott screamed and let cursed at Kevin. Scott sat to check his wound, giving Kevin a chance to get up. As he stood up, he called out the knife and held it on his hand tightly. "Why am I standing here? Why haven't I run away?" Kevin was hesitating. He couldn't run away like he planned, he was still facing Scott. "You! How did you cut me with something so lame? How... how did you get this anyway? We're in a forest; all we have here are woods and little animals." Kevin smirked and answered. "Yes, it is a forest, but it's one where people come and go, and just like most humans they leave their broken junk laying around. *cough* I found a lot of metal lying around. I *cough* can morph metal and make it into anything a want. *cough*" Kevin began to cough blood as he talked; Scott began to grin and saw an opportunity when he was weak. "Heh. You're at your limit. One more blow and you're done." Kevin saw him standing up but didn't let him; he used the knife again to cut a little bit of his hand, but Scott stopped him. "Do you really think that will work twice on me?" Scott grabbed the knife and broke it. Kevin got pale, that was his only defense and offense tactic. "Mhm. It kind of stings. Guess I can't use this hand for a while." Scott in the act of breaking the knife didn't think of the consequence making him cut the palm of his hand. "You said aside from strength you also need to use your mind." Kevin lifted the bits of the broken knife and shot them at Scott. Scott covered himself but his arms, legs and a little bit of his stomach and chest got slashed or cut. Scott grunted from the sting "*Cough* Not bad, that actually hurt, and I didn't expect it."

In the end of Kevin's struggle came a momentary sore victory against Scott. As they were bleeding on the grass they began to talk "So Kevin. is that all you got?" Said Scott with a cocky attitude as he panted. "Is that all you got?" Kevin answered in a similar state. "Don't get cocky. I'm only like this because you got my legs, and I can't move them." Kevin began to laugh as they were both panting on the grass tired and hurt. "So when do you think we can move?" Said Kevin looking at the sky. "When can we move? Heh. Please." Scott tried to get up and grunted from the pain. "Give it a few hours." Kevin frowned at the answer and began to complain. "Scott, I'm getting hungry." Scott ignoring his hunger answered as plainly as possible. "Suck it up! We will eat when we can move." A few minutes past and they fell asleep. Soon after Scott's father came looking for them. His brown hair looked like honey from the strong sun light, he had a red shirt that made his pale skin look darker He looked at the state that they were in and shook his head. "You're such a troublesome son... Well done, Kevin." He picked up Scott and Kevin. "Glad I'm wearing a red shirt... Glad no one is listening." He let out a load sigh and headed back to the cabin.

As he arrived, he placed them next to the girls and began to heal Joan. As soon as Joan woke, they told her to heal Sarah while he healed Scott. "So, you're a healer too?" He smiled. "Yeah. It's hard being one but, it's handy when you have an explosive son and a daughter that likes defending with thorns and poison ivy." Joan started at Cat "Yeah. I noticed she is good with that. She actually got us a few times with that." Sarah soon woke up but was disoriented. "Joan? You're OK. I'm glad." Sarah looked at Joan, smiled and went back to sleep. "She never used her powers for so long. I'm glad she is a bit better. Should I go to Kevin now?" Joan took a look at Sarah, smiled and headed to Kevin. "Joan, no! You may be healed but your body is still sore from all the hits. You will sit this one out." Joan looked at Talia and then at Kevin. "But Kevin is... I can help." Talia shook her head. "Joan listens to him. Omar has been a healer for a long time. He knows what he is talking about." Joan stood up and began to whine. "Talia come on. I can help. I've been a healer for a long time." Talia did not want to hear Joan anymore and talked to her in a stern voice. "Joan Marie Cruz, shut up right now, behave yourself and calm down. You may have had many years of experience but right now you have the body of a 12-year-old girl so stop complaining and sit down right now!" Talia was burning so much you could see the dark flames around her, while Joan was shocked, a tear fell, and she ran away from the cabin. Omar walked towards Talia and put his hand on her shoulder. "You could have handled that better honey." Talia sighed and looked at Omar as she held the hand that was on her shoulder. "I'm going to look for her. I'll see you in a few." Talia went running after Joan. Knowing how to track her she went after her as fast as she could. "She is far, and she is going fast. Is she flying?" Talia's worry got worse. "This is bad."

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