My foster parents

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⚠️Warnings ⚠️
Mention of suicide
Characters death

This my first oneshot and I hope you enjoy, please comment and let me know what you would like to read more from me in the future.

Bakugou P.O.V
I know they will listen, I know they will try and help me….but the thing is I don't want them too.

So why do they keep trying?
Why do they ask the same bullshit over and over and over and over and over again.
The same three words that send me to a questionable answer that I try to make up in those few seconds, minutes that then feel like hours.

It's  funny because even in those seconds and minutes they wait for you to respond. It feels like decades until you have the courage to say "I'm fine" and of course I always have to add my smart ass remarks that go a little like "I'm fine dumbass, stop asking".

But it all honesty I'm just really really fucking tired. Because I know I'm lying but not only am I tired but…..I'm...oh for fucks sake IM SCARED OK…..I'm scared to answer because what if one day I say the wrong thing and they try to "help" by putting me in a fucking therapy session. What? To just write down my problems on a fucking piece of paper  because I'm just tired of what's the big deal. I mean it's not my fault…..right?

They are the ones who keep asking and...I didnt want to be a bother like I fucking use too. So what's the point if I'm scared anyway. I mean they don't care. They probably just asked me if I was quote on quote "ok" so they can seem like a good guy. I mean shit we are literally becoming heroes the least they can do is put a good title on their name by asking a useless piece of shit like me if "I'm ok".

…..but the truth is when I use to answer that question, I  Bakugo Katsuki would fucking struggle like a dumbass based on debating if I should say "I'm fine" or tell them the truth. God even the Same SHIT WITH SHITTY DEKU JESUS CHRIST…Haha fuck I've really came so fucking low heh funny right….but who cares how I feel….right? So why am I here in front of my foster parents because...what they supposedly care...yeah right.we all know why I'm in this situation it's because….

They're tired of "my shit". 

But it still amazes me how I really get on everyone's nerves so much that I'm here but it's fine because I'm fine and it's not like I'm scared…scared of how easy I am at lying,how scared of how my own mouth fucking response when I here the question "Are you ok" and my tongue already grasped the sentence of which has the meaning of me  pursuing my wellbeing…"I'm fine" the words that have now been sunk into my brain that….I mean shit I dont even have to use my fucking brain cells to muster up wtf the conversation is about. 

It's just like anything involved with my wellbeing is bullshit and not even my brain has to muster up the thought of which use to 
claw at my throat "should I tell them".

Tell them all the shit I went through and how it traumatized me. Tell them I'm traumatized by my mother hitting me every single time I didn't do something right? Traumatized that my foster family is going to do the same thing to me. Hit and hit and yell and yell and yell countless insults at that I think about it makes sense….traumatized by my foster parents. I mean come on you heard what Present Mic said at the sports festival...just because I was trying to be nice towards Ochako. So why did he adopt me?
Is he gonna hurt me? Can't he see I'm the same person who supposedly should be enjoying myself behind bars like the villian I am because well let's all face it. I am a fucking monster and I'm just like my mom. A fucking heartless monster. No wonder she beat me, I mean shit even look at me, I'm disgusting, fucking useless. To the point I hurt people at the sports festival and even deku……..Present Mic was right and Aizawa shouldn't have stood up for me. I'm a monster to the point I thought fighting Ochako like that meant I was helping her. I'm such a disappointment. To the point they chained me down on a pedestal that a monster like me didn't deserve as well as the award.I took it for granted.

"Yeah I'm fine". 

 Aizawa Shota P.O.V
"KATSUKI PLEASE JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH I'M WORRIED" I shouted as if it was my only result to get it through this child that I love him as my own. The fuck with it he is my own. But as I come forward with the topic of his poor excuse of "I'm fine" out in the fucking gutter by how he has been acting the past week. I just want him to come clean with whatever he is going through but instead I get his deceitful lies that are thrown right infront of my fucking face like I'm someone to have caution around. Doesn't he understand I love him as my own son to the point I'm hurt that he would and want to give me misinformation.

"SHOTA STOP…..I know you care about Katsuki and don't think we aren't going to talk about this young man" Hizashi says as he turns to what seems to be……now that I look at it...just a frail little boy. Jesus did I scare him that much to the point of his shaking. What a fuck up parent I am huh?

"WhY THe FUCK aRe YOU MAkiG iT SuCH a BIG DEal IM FINE SO …..just leave it". As Kastuki says this he turns around with salty tears going down his cheek and goes toward the exit, well books for it in this case. 

"KATSUKI" Hizashi and Aizawa say in uneasiness. But the thing is it didn't do any good. Well if you think about making Katsuki struggle even more to suppress the tears from falling out of his eyes. The same tears that show his distress. The same tears the teachers and in the case fathers had seen as a type of way to insult them of their parenting. It's like the tears were yelling at them and succeeding based on telling them off of how "your horrible parents". And the worst part is they believed it. But Katsuki didn't mean it like that he just needed space...he hated yelling and it's not his fault he reacted by letting it out through tears.He didn't mean to portray that message to his foster parents. He didn't even know
 they saw him cry when he booked it for the door anyway.

So why was Katsuki still not back at 1am? Was he that angry with them then? Was he kidnapped? 

"Is he hurt"? 

"On july 21th 2021 approximately around 1am an explosion was heard to later on founding a body around their teen's at least 15 to 16 years old but couldn't be identified fully based on how disoriented their body seems to be and by interviewing a medical practitioner known as doctor Jin as he has identify the victim to be a fatality of an explosion which is still questioned of what this certain focus could have been to cause such a crime scene, we mourn for this person's loss as well towards his family members and friends . The authorities are still trying to get a hold of relatives or anyone else that is correlated with this victim. We will be back later tonight hopefully with more information with this person, we hope and pray to solve this awful crime scene ahead."

R.I.P. Bakugo Katsuki are number one hero 

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