4. John Silver

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N/N=nick name

"That woman! That feline! Who does she think is working for whom!" Complained Delbert resting his hands on his hips as they were being escorted down to the galley.

"It's our map and she's got us bussen tables" ranted Jim, he gestured his hand down towards the kitchen.

Suddenly Mr arrow dropped his two large hands on each side of Delbert and Jim
"I will not tolerate a cross word about our captain, there's no finer officer in this, or any galaxy!" Scolded Mr arrow. The three of them looked away awkwardly.
"Mr silver!" Called Arrow.

A man from the kitchen stopped what he was doing and faced the front
"Ah Mr Arrow sir! Bringing such fine distinguished guests to grace my humble galley, if I had known I'd have tucked in me shirt" the man cleaned off his hand and bowed dramatically.

As the man walked by, Jim and Y/N noticed his robotic arm.
"A cyborg" Jim whispered, turning to Y/N who had the same look of alarm.

"May I Introduce, Dr Doppler" Mr Arrow introduced, but Jim and Y/N were still to focused on the cyborg and billy bones warning.

"Love the outfit doc" smirked the cyborg, his eye scanned his entire outfit with a red laser.

"Oh Um- thank you.. love the eye" Delbert stuttered covering up the spot where his laser eye would travel.

"Um.. this young lad is Jim Hawkins, he and his friend Y/N L/N" he pulled them both In front of himself.

"Jimbo! N/N!" He held out his robotic hand that had knifes instead of fingers.
"Oh!" He realised his mistake and swapped them out for robotic fingers.

Jim glared at him and his hand, giving no intention of ever shaking it.

However Y/N slowly reached her hand out to shake it. Making Jim mentally groan, he caught her wrist and brought it back down to her side.

Y/N gave Jim a dirty look before pulling her own hand out of his, but she didn't try to shake his hand again.

"Oh no need to protect the girlfriend jimbo!" Laughed silver. "I don' bite!"

They each gave Silver a raised eyebrow before turning towards each other. Under different circumstances they would of laughed but because they were cautious of this cyborg they stayed silent.

"We're not together" Y/N answered, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at Silver.

"Really? Well Why not?"

Jim and Y/N looked to each other again with a fed up look. Then looked back to Silver who shrugged it off.

"Ah Well, who ever said boys and girls couldn't be friends hm?" He shrugged teasingly with a smug smirk.
"No need to be to put off by this hunk of hardware!" Silver smirked walking to the kitchen. He sliced some prawns easily with the help of his finger knifes and they gracefully flew into the pot. He chopped some vegetable also landing in the pot and pretended to chop off his only good hand
"Woahhh" he laughed.

"These gears have been tough getting used to, but they do come in mighty handy" he laughed cracking more eggs and other things to throw in the pot, he was really fast with it.

He cooked up the pot using a blowtorch he had attached to his robotic arm and with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and more seasoning, the food was done just like that, he tasted it then plated it up for the three to eat.

"Have a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew!" He handed them all a bowl of it.

Delbert tried it first
"Mmm! Delightfully tangy, yet robust"

Cabin boy, Jim Hawkins x reader Where stories live. Discover now