Chapter 3

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It was one of those nights were sleeping seemed impossible. I was in my bed and couldn't seem to be still, it felt like I had rolled around here for ages. My thoughts was running around my head, disturbing my inner peace. I had studied every single detail in the room by know, the light beige walls, the little spider in the top corner, family photos that Jordan had put there himself. My favorite one was of me and Jordan when I was 7 years old and he was about fourteen. The picture was of us at a football tournament as we both played goalies, standing with a football each in our arms posing. It was pretty cute, and it was a day that I remember because it was my first tournament that were at the local sports field, I was so nervous, but it helped that Jordan was gonna be there too. He was such a talent, our parents knew from the start that he would be success in football, he had such a burning passion that couldn't be extinguished.

I eventually gave up my sleep and reached for my phone. The too bright display showed 3:39. I sighed loudly, knowing that soon the sun will be rising and make it absolutely impossible to get some sleep.

I thought for a second I heard noises on the other side of the wall, which happened to be Jack's current room. As I didn't hear anything for a minute after, I realized that it was myself that were confused, maybe due to the lack of sleep. A coupe of minutes of me rolling around in my white quilt that were a mess by now, I definitely heard some talking from Jack's room and this time it's wasn't me that were confused. He talked too quiet for me too make words out of it, but still loud enough for me to hear though the wall. Poor thing must be talking in his sleep.

I groaned loudly in frustration, I was exhausted by now but no matter how much I wanted to just fall into the sweet sleep, my body wouldn't let me.

The talking on the other side of the door continued as well as me rolling around in my messy bed. Beside me laid my stuffer animal, it was a big dog that I had since I was a kid. I know that being 21 and still sleeping with a stuffed animal is pretty bizarre,but I just couldn't seem to get rid of him, he was too cozy and made me feel safe. He would be kept as a secret.

I didn't realize how long Jack has been talking until rays of sunlight actually started showing though my curtains. I were getting too warm even though I had ditched my cover completely by now, and I thought maybe it was time to accept that sleep wasn't anything I would be getting. The time now showed 4:54 and I got out of my bed with a headache already forming which I could tell would stay the whole day. Tired, I quickly made my bed so it at least looked presentable, and at the same time heard Jack's voice rising. I realized that this wasn't his dreaming, he was actually talking to someone. By the volume of his voice I wondered if he was angry, because it didn't sound very good what I could tell from here. Too tired to even think about other peoples problems, I went over to my drawer to find some clothes. I caught a glimpse of my workout clothes and figured that some exercise might cheer me up, and a nice way to start this day.

It was a failed attempt to think positive since I knew that I was lying to myself. It wasn't a nice way to start the day, I was exhausted. But I still put the clothes on which consisted of tights and a sports bra. It would at least make me alert. Hopefully.

I reached for the doorknob and open as quietly as I could, not even knowing why since Jack had been talking for over an hour in the next room. The temptation to press my ear against his door when I passed his room was hard to ignore, but as tired as I was I just kept going down to the stairs.

I got down to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and filled it with milk and cereal. I wasn't hungry or in the mood for breakfast at all, so I just ate quickly to have it over with since working out on an empty stomach was not a choice.

I grabbed a water bottle before heading towards the gym Jordan had in the house a stair down. I put on my headphones and stretched before I went over to one of the barbells and started doing hip thrusters.

Little Pickford - Jack Grealish Where stories live. Discover now