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she is hot I guess moving on isn't such bad idea then I kissed her her lips where just so soft I loved them
Next day At cheryls

Cheryl POV
I just woke up and saw Minerva cuddling my arm she was so cute let me tell you I had a crush on her but it to soon we just met so I guess in some months I will confess that I like her, I was snapped out of my taught when Minerva starting shifting "good morning min min" I said "good morning cherry" she said with a smile but her eyes where still closed "time for school come on" I said getting out of bed and dragging her to the bathroom "really cherry you dragged me all the way to the bathroom like your my mom" she said going to the toilets and doing her business I got out two toothbrushes for me and her she did her business washed her hands and grabbed my toothbrush "really min min you can't tell which one is mine"I said in sass "oh but why do I get the boring plain one" she said sad "really? You expect me to have your favorite color" I said "well yeah who doesn't have yellow like I have mine it's has some daisies and it's yellow" she said "well next time bring your boring yellow toothbrush" I said taking my toothbrush from her "well damn I guess I get the ugly plain one" she said

                 At tonis with Veronica🙄

Toni POV
I woke up to my lover in my arms sleeping I just couldn't believe I finally have someone I love but I still miss Cheryl tho I was snapped out of my thoughts when veronica woke up "good morning babe" she said "good morning Ronnie" I said pecking her lips "time to go to school come on get up"I said "fine" she said getting up and walking to the bathroom I followed her then that's when I found cheryl toothbrush that I made for her because of her staying over at my house veronica was gonna grab a new toothbrush brush when she saw cheryls "we won't need this anymore" she said snatching it from the sink she was about to throw it away "hold up Ronnie I will throw it in the normal trash alright" I said taking the toothbrush from her hands "ok" she said grabbing a new toothbrush and brushing her teeth after that I put the tooth brush it a safe little box with a lock and hid it I did that we ate pops and went to school

With Cheryl and Minerva

Cheryl POV
Me and min min entered the school just talking about stuff when this bitch heather came up to me "looks like y'all are together what y'all had sex yesterday"she said making scissors movements "shut it heather it's not our fault your homophobic and your boyfriend is ugly as hell that he even has a 2 inch dick now move out the fucking way" min min said I looked at her so loving I couldn't believe MY CRUSH protected me ahhh we went to class and then after that we went lunch and blah blah we went to my house and I was thinking of knowing Minerva more so I know she isn't a bad bad person "hey min min?"i said "What wrong cherry" she said concerned "it's just that I want to know you more so Talk about you" I said curious "well when I was younger my mom and dad use to fight a lot but they would treat me well one day when I came home from school my mom was driving out with my dad I had no idea what was happening I thought they just went to bring food they took so long that I taught it was just traffic until next morning I got a call from my grandparents saying that my parents passed away I was devastated my grandparents took care of me as there own until last year they died because of a stroke they both had after that they left me money I brought myself a house and some stuff also I- I was thinking of a cat and dog" she said finishing a tear leaving her face "im so sorry that happened to you min min"I said wiping her tear that fell out of her beautiful eyes and fell on her rosy pink cheeks "now about you" she said "well my parents where horrible to me they where nicer to my twin brother he got everything he wanted I remember one day when I told them I was lesbian they didn't except me and told me I was deviant and a heartless bitch also that's what my ex lover told me but she didn't call me deviant after me and her broke up because of her bsf I decided I was gonna move because there where a lot of bad memories in riverdale I came back to this house that my nana bought me I told my mom to register me in this school she agreed and the after that we went our separate ways" I said leaving a tear escape my eyes "I'm so sorry cherry that happened to you but your not deviant or heartless your gorgeous and wonderful" she said "I'm so glad your my friend "I said giving her a hug "we should get some sleep it's 10:00 pm" she said we went upstairs and fell asleep like baby's cuddling each other

Ok so I will do a time jump to like 3 or 4 months in the next chapter

What do you think about what happened to Minerva?

Do you think toni will somehow find out what veronica did in someway?

Do you think veronica and toni are gonna have sex if yes what are your thought of that???

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