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5 years ago, the night after the incident:

"Finn? You're still out here, huh?"

Finn was dragged out of his thoughts by the voice of a man behind him.

"I'll go inside in a bit, I just need to clear my head," he dragged a hand through greasy hair, elbows rested on the balcony rail.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," The man joined him, lighting a cigarette, "You made the right choice."

"To let them die? How the hell is that the right choice?" His tone shifted, slightly more aggressive.

"It was for the greater good," The man consoled, "They would've done the same thing- sacrificing themselves, I mean."

"They didn't make that sacrifice, though. They were dying, and I just left them there. What greater good would that possibly benefit?" His voice was hollow.

"There was nothing you could do, if you'd tried to save them, you'd have just killed yourself as well. People NEED you. You're Finn Hudson, you're the hero every little boy dreams of becoming when they grow up. I'm not saying Kurt and Mercedes weren't important, but there was no point killing all three of you when it could've been prevented," they pointed out, taking a drag of the cigarette, tilting his head back and exhaling.

"How could you even say that?" He frowned, brows furrowed.

"I know it's insensitive, but you need to hear the ugly truth sometimes. If you died with them, their deaths would've been for nothing. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did, I was a coward."

"No, you aren't. You were being a leader," he insisted.

Finn turned away from him, and slumped down to a crouch, head tilted up, leaned against the railing, eyes closed.

"It's all so surreal, it's like some vivid dream," Finn drew a shaky breath of humid July air and second-hand smoke.

"I understand," he nodded.

"I can still smell the fire," he said, "it wasn't normal."

"How so?" The other man asked.

He struggled to find the words to describe it, "It was like there was something added to it- it was harsher. Something was off, I have a gut feeling about it."

He raised an eyebrow, "What are you saying?"

"I don't think Kurt lost control, I think that the robbers must've spilt gasoline or something," Finn insisted, sounding sure of himself.

"I don't know, Finn. Kurt's lost control before." He pointed out.

"But never like that," He insisted, "I know what I saw."

He hummed, considering it, "Police are investigating the scene, so I guess we'll know in time."

"I guess," he sighed, getting up, "I think I'm just gonna go back to my dorm."

"Okay, goodnight," he nodded gently.

"Goodnight, Mr Schuester," He walked away, heading back inside.

He tried to get up, but his head wouldn't lift from the pillow. He was left staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, a landscape of yellowing paint and mildew blossoming from every crack. It was far from ideal, but he couldn't be choosy right now.

He tried to retrace his steps, and figure out why he'd woken up in a motel room (that had probably seen a few murders judging by the stains on the wallpaper) when his train of thought was interrupted.

"Thank god, you're awake," Mercedes breathed a sigh of relief.

Kurt attempted to ask what the hell they were doing here, but all that came out was a strangled groan from the pit of his throat.

"You don't remember, do you?" She said gently, "We had a job, it was just stopping another bank robbery, but something happened. When you used your powers, something went wrong and the whole place burst into flames. No one died, thankfully, but we got caught in the fire, and right before the place blew up, you tackled me to the floor and absorbed the most of the explosion."

He tried his hardest to remember, and slowly it came to him in bits and pieces. Gunshots, an arm bell sounding, Tina redirecting citizens away from the conflict, attempting to use his pyrokinesis, the fire spreading too quickly, Finn looking back at them before running out of the building. Sensing something.

"Thank you, Kurt. You saved my life," She said gently, "We can't go back. This is our opportunity to get out of there for good, and start fresh."

Kurt looked over at her quizzically.

"I think we should make better use of our powers," Mercedes started, "We should join forces with Sue Sylvester."

Kurt's eyes widened.

"I know I sound crazy, but Mr Schuester's a nutcase, and she's trying to take him down. The world doesn't see that she's right, but if WE join forces with her they'll listen. I'm not saying we need to make a decision now, but just entertain the idea a little."

Kurt let out an unsure hum, but she shook her head.

"Don't talk, your throat got damaged by the fire. When the building blew up, a ceiling beam fell on you. I took you to a healer, they did the best that they could, but your vocal cords are severely damaged. It's looking like it could take months, if not years, to heal," she said gently.

The severity of the situation crashed down on Kurt, and silent tears pricked his eyes. All of it, the fire, losing The New Directions,  potentially joining Sue Sylvester, that was nothing compared to being rendered mute.

"I'm so sorry, Kurt. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. No one deserves that. But I promise you'll recover from this. We can find someone who can teach you sign language."

Kurt nodded a little, still very much in shock.

"Try and sleep a little, we'll figure out our next moves in the morning," She said gently, stroking his hair lightly.

Although Kurt's head was swimming with panicked thoughts, his eyes soon fell heavy and he was asleep in minutes.

The Case Against Will Schuester- Hevans (Kurt/Sam)Where stories live. Discover now