Just Friends to You (One-Shot)

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Warning, this story mentions the following statements:
-some sexual stuff- (tho very tame; Lime if you will)


       A heart-wrenching, numbing shatter penetrated into the once joyful SOUL that belonged to Epic. No matter how many times Epic replayed the crushing scene inside his shocked mind, it had token him almost 2 whole hours to fully break down on the bare, immaculate white floor when he finally did processed it.

       Earlier in the rather boring day, he had teleported into the blinding white space, best known widely as the Anti-Void, to see if he could find Cross. It doesn't matter how many times he has teleported into the Anti-Void, he still didn't like the way that it hurts your eyes, or eye sockets in this instance, and the ever deafing silence it brings.

      Putting those uncomfortable thoughts aside, he started roaming at a rather slow yet steady pace, as he embarks in his search for his meme friend and secret crush, Cross.

     After a long and headache inducing walk around the bare white of the Anti-Void, he spotted a monochrome themed skeleton. Epic grinned happy at that, even as he starts speed-walking towards the monochrome lad.
      But as soon as he started strolling towards Cross, he suddenly stops when he also finds that there was a  yellow themed skeletal lad and a goopy black, octopus-looking skeleton lad with Cross.

      Just as soon as he stops, when he found that two other skeleton's were uncomfortably close to Cross, he slowly starts to go back in walking towards the monochrome themed lad, taking note that it was Nightmare and Dream that was with Cross. He stops again when a goopy tentacle slithers inside of Cross's complicated shirt, the tentacle being careful as it does so. A hurtful ping went towards Epic's SOUL at this.


      A soft yet chilling chuckle left Nightmare's teeth when he saw the bright purple blush  spreading across Cross's cheek bones. Dream sent a harsh, jealous glare towards his brother, Nightmare, when he saw that Nightmare was able to successfully get Cross to blush profusely.

    Nightmare grinned at the harsh glare, feeling the negative energy coming off of Dream. Dream glared some more before he too started grinning. At this, Nightmare lessened his grin, feeling confused at this. Dream grinned even more as he leans in towards Cross, giving a very deep and passionate kiss at the blushing lad. Cross went still for a second before melting into the heated kiss.

     Nightmare frowned at this, being upset that Dream was kissing Cross so passionately and without him. To combat his now bitter mood, more of Nightmare's tentacles started to delicately touched more of Cross's body, the slight burning sensation leaving a nice effect on the monochrome lad bones.

     A loud yet muffled moan left Cross's mouth, the deeply passionate kiss still being in affect. Once Dream finally moved away from the deep kiss, he smirked proudly at his work. Cross was a trembling mess, panting and giving out soft, sweet moans in his wake, a small bit of magic saliva dripping down on Cross's chin.

       Nightmare was quick in giving a deep and passionate kiss towards Cross too, not even giving the lad a chance to get his breathing under control again. The burning feeling bloomed like wildfire when Cross allowed this to happen to him.
      A soft yet dragging long moan left Cross's mouth again, as he melts more into the toxic burning sensation that is of Nightmare's goopyself.
      Epic just watch all of this unfold, a numbing haze clouding his shattered mind, his eyelights now gone. His body going into auto-pilot, as he teleports away from the heated scene.

     A single silent, translucent purple tear rolled down from Epic's left eye socket, as he teleports away.


    The next time both Cross and Epic saw each other, was in a peaceful yet random AU. Tall pine trees towered over the monochrome themed and purple-black themed skeleton lad's. A soft, numbing breeze settled around them, as the two stared at each other for what seemed like an agonizingly long time. None of the two spoke up towards each other, the atmosphere growing even more awkward as more time past by.

    After what seemed like a decade, Cross finally spoke up, worry in his soft voice.

      "Why have you been avoiding me for the past 3 weeks dude?"

      Epic didn't answer that right away, trying to make up a believable lie in his exhausted mind. When he couldn't think up of one, he just told a question in return.

       "How was your time with Dream and Nightmare?" The lad's eye sockets growed wide a small bit, not meaning to sound so bitter and hurtful with his words.


    "I saw you guys having fun with each other in the Anti-Void. When I was looking for you, bruh." Epic cut in, stopping Cross from speaking any more.

       Cross give a silent "Ah," to that, blushing lightly at the mention. More awkward silence fell between them.

     Epic looked away at Cross at some point in the silence, hot magic tears rolling down from his eye sockets. Cross grew worried for his friend when he saw this. To calm down the growing worry in his SOUL, Cross lightly walked towards his friend.

     The purple and black themed skeleton dropped loudly onto the fluffy white snow, that was on the icy ground, a choking sob sound leaving the lad's mouth. Cross grew even more worried at this, walking faster and  dropping down onto his knees when he got to his destination, cups Epic's cheeks.

     Epic just cried even more at this, leaning in on the warm skeletal touch.

      "Would you like to tell me as to why you're upset dude?" Cross softly whispered, trying to figure out what upset Epic.

       Epic stayed silent at this as small whimpers leave through his closed teeth. After a couple minutes of just Epic crying his SOUL out, his skull laying onto Cross's shoulder at some point in Cross comforting the lad, he finally mumbled something that left Cross in shock.

      "Bruh-h, I had a c-crush on you for a while n-now. Seeing you being al-already taken by two other's, hurt me d-deeply."

      More sobs left the purple and black themed lad as he curls in on himself a little bit, moving away from Cross's much needed touches. Cross blinked at this, as his shock leaved him.

     "I can't return your feelings dude, but I'm happy that you've told me this." Cross quietly whispered towards Epic, giving a small smile at Epic.

      Epic broke down completely at those words, giving up the last bit of hope for all of this to just be a mistake into the fire. Cross hugged Epic tightly at this, burying his skull into the lads neck, as he stays silent for Epic.


      I don't know how to proceed after the last sentence, so I'mma put a cheeky cliffhanger in you guys. Hope you like this story I've made for someone on Tumblr.
I've spent 4 or 5 hours on this, during the night time might I add, to this decent fanfiction I've made, so- (I was procrastinating for a week + some days before getting around to writing this-) (not putting blame on anyone but myself-)

     But anyways, constructive criticism is welcomed!



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