Name Generator 1

6 0 4

Favorite Flower- Pre

Orchid- Storm

Rose- Feather

Lily- Shiver

Daisy- Kestrel

Dandelion- Red

Daffodil- Sprout

Something Else/Don't Know- Shadow

Favorite Music Instrument- Suf

Violin- lily/shine

Trumpet- cloud/leap

Trombone- storm/shadow

Bass- feather/sky

Cello- branch/mist

Piano- kit/star

Kazoo- paw/flower

Tuba- flight/song

Don't know/Something Else- leap/pool

Tell what you got in comments! I got: Shadowsky and Shadowfeather, I pick Shadowsky!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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