Chapter 19: The Getty

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"Hyacinth said you're going to the museum with John?" her mother asked over breakfast a few days later.

Clementine nodded. "Tomorrow, as a matter of fact."

"That's nice. I'm glad you're getting to be friends with him," Jill said, smiling at her daughter.

"Yeah, he's really nice, mom. Super polite, and so smart, too."

"I'm glad your sister's finally getting involved with someone nice, then. Some of the guys she's dated, honest to god, just put my teeth on edge, you know?"

Clementine nodded. "Remember the race car driver?" She shuddered.

"Don't remind me," her mother begged. "What about the guy who directed her first movie? She was only 18, and he was, what, 35? 40?"

"Something like that," Clementine agreed.

"Now we just have to find someone for you," Jill continued. "Although according to Hy you might have taken care of that all on your own?" She looked inquiringly at her daughter.

Oh no.

"Hy says you're seeing someone," Jill prodded. "Is this so?"

Reluctantly, Clementine nodded.

Jill smiled delightedly. "Oh my, Clemmy, you sure can keep a secret! Why didn't you tell me? When am I going to meet him?"

"He's really shy," she said, the lie becoming no easier with the second telling. "I think it might be better if I just let him be private for awhile."

"Well, can you at least tell me his name, honey?"

"I'd rather not. It's all so new, you know, I'd just like to keep it to myself for now, if that's all right."

"Of course it's all right," her mother responded. "Just tell me when it's okay to invite him to dinner, okay? I'll make my special goulash." She clapped with anticipation. "You know, you've seemed so happy lately, I should've known something was up." She rose to clear away the breakfast things. "So we'll just let your fellow stay private for as long as he needs, how's that sound?"

Clementine could now add lying to her mother to her list of wrongdoings.


The following day, she dressed with care for her outing to the museum with John. She chose a magenta and purple sweater and black slacks, along with purple hi-top sneakers in the same shade as the sweater. She also held her hair back with a purple clip, leaving most of it hanging down her back, instead of her usual ponytail.

She'd thought she'd just meet John at the museum, but he'd nixed this idea immediately. "Fuck me, no," he'd said on the phone. "I want to maximize my time with you. I'm coming to pick you up."

"But that means you'll have to meet my mother," Clementine explained. "It would be weird if you came to the house and didn't, you know?"

"So, I'll meet your mum, then, what's the problem?"

"I don't know, it just seems like it might be awkward, given the circumstances."

"It will be dead easy. Parents like me, you'll see," John said with a laugh.

"I'm sure they do," Clementine responded. "Just remember that she doesn't know about us, so no PDAs, no intimate talk, none of that, okay?"

"Intimate talk?" John repeated. "What do you think I'm going to do, start whispering what I want to do to you in your ear while standing in front of her?"

"No no—you know what I mean," Clementine finally said, exasperated. "Fine, come pick me up, I'll be waiting with bells on."

John rang the doorbell while Clementine was still in the bathroom. She heard her mother answer the door as she ran out. "Okay, I'm ready, shall we go?" she asked, grabbing her purse from the table.

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