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"Oh, would you look at that. My beautiful boy is finally getting married."

A fulfilled, blissful smile made its way to enlighten his features, with it a promise of permanence that he knew would magnify the crinkles at the corner of his eyes but surprisingly he didn't find it disturbing as he usually did before. He was always worried they'd be those ugly physical markers when he reached that ripe age where people would call him old. Thus, her vindicated accusation of him having an 80-year old soul trapped in his body.

He would just laugh with her whenever she would tease him about it, never once did he argue for he knew, she was right. But sometimes, he'd pretend to be offended just so he could have the privilege of being on the receiving end of her half-hearted pampering. But nonetheless, he knew he never had felt the need to demand for her affections because it's always been overflowing, enveloping his entire being with warmth all over.

He would've gladly mused about every thing he adores about her if it's not for the opening of the door, signaling that it's finally time for that long-awaited moment of his life to come through.

He took a deep breath, his nerves in tangled knots as he waited patiently for her. The music starts and he couldn't help the tears taunting to spill from his very eyes. He knew she would tease him all about it later but seriously - who could even judge him when she walks down the aisle, looking like a divinity sent from the high heavens just for him?

His hand went to subconsciously caress that specific finger where her name was beautifully etched, reminding him that she's always been destined to be his even before this day.

When she finally, finally, got within arm's reach, he didn't hesitate to take her hand in his, only to disappear as he was yet woken up from his slumber.

It was only just a dream.

"Ugh, not again." He whined, his face contorting into a frown upon realizing that he's only dreaming. Again.

Groaning as looked accusingly at the blaring alarm clock, he hunched over to turn it off, tapping it more forcefully than he would've had any other day.

He buried his head under the pillow in frustration, sighing as he touched his ring finger longingly. He wondered if he'll ever have what his parents found in each other - the bond, the passion and the undying love that holds them together. They were one of the many lucky people who had been able to find their match, fell in love and stood by each other with a promise of forever.

As he grew older, his understanding of finding the one destined for you has flourished as well and he holds onto that hope that he'll find his soulmate as his parents did - the one whom he can rightfully call as his.

But as the years go by, so does his hope of finding the one for him.

"When will I meet you, love? Or...will I ever get the chance to meet you?" He pursed his lips, eyeing his left ring finger where he knew her name would appear once they got to know each other.

Gathering all his might to get out of bed, he took a quick shower, went through his morning routine before finishing up the last few things he needed to pack up. He was due for a flight later in the afternoon, having been called the last minute to take over a case he hasn't gone over yet.

When he decided that everything's where he wanted it to be, he headed downstairs, forcing a smile to come up as he was greeted by his parents.

"Morning, slugger." Henry lowered the newspaper he's been reading, taking a sip of his coffee as he sat comfortably on the couch in the living room.

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