26. "ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ!"

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Huffing for breath and with panic in his eyes, his soulmate stood before him only a few feet away, but Oikawa felt the distance between them could cross an ocean.

If there was a time for Iwaizumi to suddenly appear before him, now was not it.

He felt so certain about leaving only a few minutes prior, yet seeing his soulmate in the flesh made his determination waver. His heart began to ache, wanting nothing more than to stay with the one for him.

But how can he leave his only family behind?

"Oikawa," breathed Iwaizumi. "I'm sorry."

He frowned, confused as to why Iwaizumi was apologizing.

Then he looked past Iwaizumi, spotting a woman sitting in the driver's seat of the car, looking anxiously at him. He's never seen her before, but it didn't take a genius to piece the resemblance between her and his soulmate.

He assumed it was Harumi, Iwaizumi's sister. The "bitch" Sato was talking about. Mr. Mori's social media manager. The one who exposed the news of the abuse.

The one who almost got the rest of his family taken from him.

Eyes narrowing, Oikawa turned his attention back to his soulmate. His faltering determination from before was beginning to solidify again.

"I accept your apology," he said to Iwaizumi. "And thank you."

A small smile appeared Iwaizumi's lips. "For what?"

"For making me realize what's important to me."

The smile on his soulmate's lips grew a little wider, and Oikawa almost felt bad about giving Iwaizumi false hopes, but he thought it was a little ironic.

Oikawa bent down to pick up his fallen luggage, brushing off invisible dust before looking Iwaizumi square in the eye.

"I'm leaving Japan," he stated.


Iwaizumi's hopeful expression crashed, the smile wiped away as if it never existed.

"I'm leaving Japan," he repeated, tightening his grip on the luggage. "And there's nothing that will change my mind."

"Oikawa," Iwaizumi grabbed his shoulders forcefully, "what are you talking about? Why are you leaving? For how long? When're you coming back?"

The rapid fire of questions made his head spin, so he pushed away Iwaizumi, causing the latter to stumble.

"Don't touch me," he warned, brushing the area where his soulmate's hands were a second ago. "I'm leaving, Iwaizumi. And I'm not coming back."

He turned away so he wouldn't have to see the hurt on Iwaizumi's face. Instead, he glanced over at Sato, who was watching the conversation with a baffled expression on his face.

"When's the car coming?" He asked the man.

That snapped Sato out of it. Fumbling for his phone, the personal assistant pulled it out of his pocket and began tapping crazily at the screen.

"Five minutes!" declared Sato.

"That's plenty of time," nodded Oikawa. He turned back to his soulmate. "Ask your sister why I'm leaving."

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