Chapter 4

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After meeting with mukti and abhi nandani was moving toward class

Our monster ♥ pull her in empty class room and before she can react he smashed lips on her she was still in shock for 2 min but after realising it was manik she started responding kiss
After 15 min they broke the kiss and join fourhead and try to make their breath normal

Manik - who was he ? And why u was hugging him ?
Nandani though to answer but after seeing manik jealously she thought to tease him

Nandani - who ? Ohh abhi he is my best friend 💕

Manik - best friend my foot 😑 and why the hell he was hugging u I will not leave him for sure 😠

N - manik relax okay actually he is my best friend cum bother

Manik after listening the word 'bother 'clam down and

M- ohh

N- waise manik I think some one was jealous haina

M- jealous my foot I know u are mine 😉 I LOVE YOU ❤


And nadani hug manik and manik hug back

Scene shift to mukti and abhi

Mu - abhi who was she and why u was hugging her 😡

Abhi after knowing mukti was jealous of nandani decided to tease her soo

Ab - I told na she is my best friend 💓

Mu - okay why she was hugging you vo itna tight

Ab- we are meeting after long time na isiliye

Mu - aacha par its my right and you Don't talk to me
Saying this she started moving out and abhi decided not to tease her so

Ab - aacha OK sorry she is my best friend cum sister 😘
Ans I was just teasing you sorry

Mu - youu 😒😒

Ab- aacha sorry na baba 🥺
After seeing abhi face mukti said

Mu - it's okay come here and she pull him to tight hug 🤗 and abhi too responded




They were still in same position after some time manik said

M - baby

N - hmm

M - aaj chodhne ka irada waise I don't have any problem in this position par u na my might be searching for me

And they break the hug

N - ha manik you goo na waise bhi it's time for leaving the college to and meet them see u in home 💖

And manik peek her lips and said bye to her and move toward jam room of fab 5

Al - manik where were you

Mu - ha we were waiting for u

M - actually I was having important call so
Chuck that na let's do some jam and all agreed and take their and position and and done jamming for 45 min after that

Mu- that was too cool I feel so fresh after jam
Ca - hmm I second that

After they were having random talk and bid bye to each other and went to home 🏡

Okay guys that's for today actually I was busy in my notes  completing because my school is going to reopen par I will try my best to update soon

Bas aaj ke liye intna hi bye all and EID MUBARK 🎇🎇✨

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