I lost my Hart.

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~Maya's pov~
I wake up before Riley. She's still in the same position she was when she fell asleep. I smile gently. "You're so beautiful." I whispered. I look at the time. "I should wake her up." I thought. I shake her some. "Riley, wake up." I kept shaking her. She finally wakes up. And she starts looking on her arms. "Riles, what are you doing?" I was confused. "Checking for chicken pocks.." She said tiredly. I kept shaking her. "Riley, get up." She fully opens her eyes and smiles. "Maya." She says happily. She sits up and kisses me gently. I kiss back. Topanga comes into her room. "Ri- oh. You're awake already. Maya, did you wake her up?" "Yeah, I did." She smiled. "You need to stay here to wake her up all the time." I smiled back and giggle. She leaves the room. I look at Riley and smile. She smiles back. I lean in and kiss her passionatly. She kisses back as passionatly. "I love you, princess Riley." She smiles wide. "I love you too, princess Maya." I smile. "So I'm a princess now too?" "If you want to be my princess, if not then you can be my knight in shining armor." "It's your choice, milady." She smiles. "Okay." "Now, lets change." She goes into her closet and changes. I change too. She comes out. "I swear, everytime I see you, you get more and more beautiful." I said. She smiles wide and hugs me. "Aww! Maya!!" I hug her back. "You do too!" She said excitedly. I smile. "Thanks, Riles." I kiss her gently. We go to the living and sit down at the table to eat breakfast. As we're eating, Riley stops me. "Maya, you have something on your lip." I grab a napkin. She grabs my hand with the napkin in it. "No, no, no. I'll get it." I smile, knowing what she's going to do. She smiles and leans in and licks it off my lip. I blush a little. Her eyes widen and she smiles wide. "You're blushing, Maya!!!!!" She says excitedly and points at me. "Everyone look! Maya's blushing!!!!" I roll my eyes and smile slightly. "Why are you so excited about that, Riley?" Her dad asked. "Becuase I've never seen her blush before." "That's because you never noticed when I did before.." I said under my breath too quiet for Riley to hear. Riley looks at me. I look back at her and smile. She looks at me confused. "Maya, are you okay?" Riley questioned. "Yeah. I'm fine." I told her. "Okay." We finished breakfast, Riley and I got up. Riley grabbed my hand and pulls me to the subway station. "Calm down, Riley, it's just school. You're never this excited for school." She smiles wide. "Well I am today!" She proudly announced. "Why?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Because we're dating! I'm ready to tell everyone!!!!" She yelled. A couple people look at us. I just smile at them sarcastically. "Yeah, we're dating. Actually, me and her are inlove with eachother!" I said so everyone could hear. I grab her face and pull her in for a kiss. She kisses back. Everyone just watches us in awe and discust. We ignore everyone's stares and hold eachother's hands proudly. We arrive at school. When we get into first period, we sit where we usually do, after everyone comes in, including Corey, I stand up and grab Riley's hand and pull her to come up to the front with me. We intertwine fingers and smile wide. "We have an announcement, you dork wads." I look at Lucas. "And Bucky McBoing Boing!" Riley and I look at eachother and smile. I take a deep breath, I'm about say it, but Riley gets to it before I could. "Maya and I are dating!" She said so happily. We get a lot of mixed emotions from the class. We look at eachother and pull eachother in for a passionate kiss. Some people say aww, some eww, and others don't care. We block out the world and just focus on eachother. "I love you, Riley." She smiles wide. "I love you too, Maya." After we sit back down, I turn around and look at Lucas and smile deviously. "She's my princess now, Ranger Rick."
~Riley's pov~
Maya and I sit back down in our desks. I look at Farkle and smile. "Was that good?" I asked hopefully. He smiles back. "Yeah. Thank you two for doing that. Now, I'm almost finished with my secret project."
~Lunch time, Riley's pov~
Maya and I are sitting next to eachother, just talking. Then these two girls come up to us and pretend they're about to kiss eachother. I look at Maya, she rolls her eyes. "Uhh.. Congradulations you two.." I said. Maya looks at me. I look at her confusedly. "Riley, they're making fun of us." I look at the two girls and they're laughing. "Oh. Why? Just because Maya and I are dating doesn't mean you have to make fun of us. Atleast we had the guts to tell eachother we liked eachother to be able to date. I'm proud that Maya's my girlfriend!! I'm not ashamed of that!" I look at her and she's smiling wide. She looks back at me. We wrap our arms around eachother. The two girls look at us angrily and just walk away. "I'm so proud of you, Riley!" She kisses me gently I kiss back. Then that jerk guy that Maya told me was named Kevin came and sat by her.
~Maya's pov~
Kevin comes and sits by me. "You two finally kissed!!! Man that was hot. Are you sure you don't want to tak-" I look at him madly and push him out of his chair. "Go. Away." I said sternly. He gets up off of the floor. "Oh c'mon, babe, we had a good thing going in detention yesterday!" He said to me. I glare at him angrily. "I said. GO. AWAY!!!!" I yelled angrily and every one got quiet and was looking at me. I get up and run out of the cafeteria. Tears welling up in my eyes. I wipe them away, the sadness turns into pure anger.
~Riley's pov~
Maya gets up and runs out of the cafeteria. After she leaves everyone starts laughing except for Farkle and Lucas. I get on the table. "EVERYBODY LISTEN!!!!" I yelled. Everyone got quiet. "What are you all laughing about!? If that same thing happened to you, would you be laughing?! No!!!! You all need to take a minute to think about other people's feelings! And you." I look at Kevin angrily. He slowly backs into a wall. I get off of the table and get into his face. "You don't have the right to talk to my girl like that. Or to me like you did. You think you're so cool, newsflash, you're not. You're just a big fat jerk who only cares about himself that won't ever get a girlfriend! You're just jealous that I got a girlfriend before you did. You want to make me and Maya upset. What's the point? To hurt people? Why? That's stupid. And if you're so tough, 'big guy' then why are you all talk?" He just looks at me. I see tears forming in his eyes and he runs out of the cafeteria crying. I go into the hallway to look for Maya. "Maya? Where are y- MAYA!!!!" I see her chasing Kevin. I chase after her. "MAYA!!!" I yell again. She finally stops. "What?! You let him get away!!" I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Maya, don't worry, I took care of it. Calm down. I don't want him to make you so mad." Maya calms down a little. "I only get upset when the thing I'm talking about is important to me. And you're important to me, Riley. I don't want him to talk to you like that." I hug her tightly. "Maya.." Is all I say. She hugs back. "I just care about you, Riley." I pull away and smile. "I know, but like I said, I took care of it." "What did you do?" She asked. "After you ran out, I stood up for you." I told her everything I said. I see tears well up in her eyes and she hugs me tightly and begins crying on my shoulder. I hug her back tightly. "Maya.." "R-riley.." Maya choaked out. I continue to comfort her as she cries on my shoulder. "Maya, it'll be okay." She pulls away and smiles gently. "Thank you, Riles." She hugs me again. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. She smiles a little. "Yeah." We interlock arms and go back to my house. We go to my room and sit at the window. "Maya.." I say. She looks down then looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "I can't believe you did that for me.." I look at her with sympathy. "I love you, Maya. Of course I stood up for you like I did. I wasn't going to stand there and let people make fun of you." "Thank you, so much, Riley." A tear rolls down her face. I wipe it away. "Maya-.." I sigh. "You don't have to worry about him anymore, Maya." She leans in and kisses me gently and hugs me tightly. "I love you, Riley." I smile and hug her back. "I love you too, Maya." She looks at me. "You do know what this means, right?" I look at her. "What?" "I'm not going back. I can't. I'm done with being humiliated." I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Maya.. What am I supposed to do without you?" She shrugs. "Maya, you're the reason I went to school everyday." She smiles a little. "Riley, your parents make you go to school everyday. They're the reason you go everyday." She told me. I thought for a second. "Well you're the reason I look forward to it everyday." "I thought that was Lucas." "Maya, every morning when you came to pick me up, I would look forward to that each morning. I was always so happy when you came to pick me up. I loved spending that time with just us two." She smiles and hugs me I hug her back. She looks down. "Can I.. Ask you something?" She hesitated. I look at her with sympathy. "Anything." She sighs. "Well.." She looks back up at me. "How long.. How long have you had a crush on me?" She hesitated once again. "Well.." I sigh. "For.. A few years now." I tell her. She looks at me shocked. "What about Lucas?" She asked. "I never really had feelings for him." I can see she gets a little upset. "Riley, do you realize how much it hurt me to see you swoon over him and how he treated you? Riley, I loved you for so long, you have no idea how I felt when you first told me you liked me. For so long, what we are now, was just a fantasy going on in my head. You never noticed when I did blush or give you signs that I liked you, Riley." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I look at her with sympathy and sadness. "Maya.." Is all I choaked out. I smile a little. "But that fantady isn't a fatasy anymore, Maya. I'm your princess and you're mine." She fake smiles. "Don't worry about it.." She's about to go out the window, but I grab her ankle, stopping her from leaving. "Maya wait!" She stops and comes back in. "Riley, don't worry about it, it's fine." I look at her with sympathy. "No Maya, it's not fine. I had no idea that I did that do you." She sighs. "I'm gonna'.. Go home. My mom's probably worried about me.." She goes out the window. I sit there for a second thinking about how upset Maya looked and how I made her feel without realizing it at all. "I'm so sorry, Maya.. I had no idea for so long." I said to myself. Then Topanga comes in my room and sees that I'm upset and comes to sit down next to me. "What's wrong, honey?" I look down sadly. "I hurt Maya without even realizing it. I feel horrible about it.." She rubs my back. "She'll forgive you. She always has. She'll come back. Just give her some time to herself." I hug her tightly and begin crying on her shoulder.
~Maya's pov~
I go out Riley's window and go to the subway station to go back home. I get on the subway and sit down. I get off at my stop and go home. When I get home, my mom's home, washing the dishes. "Hey Maya.." "Weren't you worried about me? I haven't been home since.." I stop for a second and get upset. ".. Since Riley and I's date.." I sigh. "I figured you've been at Riley's since you left. I know you were in good hands there. Atleast they could provide for you while I couldn't.." I sigh and go and hug my mom. She doesn't hug back at first, then she does. "You.. Hugged me." My mom said shocked. I look down sadly. "I just needed one.. And you were the only one here.." I go to my room and plop down on my bed and sigh. I just stare at the ceiling, a million thoughts going through my head. I hear my phone ring, It's Riley. I put my phone on silent and throw it on my floor. I lay there for a little while and end up falling asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and sit up. I get my phone off of the floor. I have a missed call and 5 texts from Riley. She left a voicemail, so I listen to it. "Hey Maya, I understand you probably don't want to talk right now, but I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I just want the best for you and I was just trying to look out for you.." There's a slight pause, I hear sniffing. "I never.. I never ment to hurt you, Maya. If there's anyway you could forgive me, please do it. Love, Riley." My eyes begin to water. I wipe my eyes, not letting my self cry. I change and lay back down, going back to sleep. I wake up the next morning and go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and sigh. I go back to my room and get ready for school. As I'm about to leave, I get a text from Riley. "Hey, are you comming to pick me up, or are you still mad at me?" I get a lite upset. "She thinks I'm mad at her." I thought. I text her back. "I'm not mad at you." ":D does that mean you're picking me up!" I don't reply. And head off to school.
~Riley's pov~
After I finish crying, my mom leaves my room. I sit down on my bed and bring my knees up to my chest and hug them. "I'm so sorry, Maya...." I get an idea. "Maybe if I call her I can apologize to her.. Even if she doesn't answer, I can leave a voice mail.." I call. No answer. "Yo! It's Maya, couldn't make it to the phone, loser. Leave a voice mail. Or not. I couldn't care less." I leave a voice mail. I text her a couple times too. I sigh sadly. "Maya.." I bury my face into my knees and begin crying again. I finally stop and change and lay down. I hug myself, pretending Maya's there with me. "I love you, Maya." I say to myself. I start crying, I cry myself to sleep. I wake up the next morning and my pillow is soaked from crying last night. I sigh and text Maya. "Hey, are you comming to pick me up, or are you still mad at me?" I start getting ready for school. After I change, I see Maya texted me back. I get excited. Then I realize she could be mad at me so I get upset again, then I remeber she could come and pick me up again, which cheers me up. "I'm not mad at you." I read. I get super excited. ":D does that mean you're picking me up!" I wait for a text back, it doesn't come, so I finish getting ready and eat breakfast. Even after 7:05 she hasn't texted me back yet. I look down sadly. "I guess she's not picking me up.." I say sadly and sigh. I leave for school. "Bye, guys." I say sadly as I go to the subway station alone. I'm about to get on the subway when crazy hat starts talking. "I've never seen you without your partner. Where is she?" I sigh and walk over to her. "I don't know." "You lost your Hart?" Tears begin welling up in my eyes, I fight back the urge to cry. "Y-you can say that.." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Just let it out." I begin crying into my hands. "I n-never ment to hurt h-her! Now she's go-o-o-one!!!" She pats my back. "She's not gone. This is just a hill in your relationship. She'll be back." She smiles. "In fact." Crazy hat gets up and I see Maya where Cray hat was. I gasp with excitement. "MAYA!!!!!!!" I hug her tightly and begin crying on her shoulder. "I'm so s-sorry, Maya!!!! I never wanted you hurt you!! I love you so much, Maya!! I promise I'll never hurt you again!!!!" I pull away and she's just looking at me. I smile wide. "Do you forgive me?"

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