Another Secret

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Addison's POV

"I'm happy for you and Bryce. You two deserve so much happiness." Char says.

"Thank you char. I've missed you and tay a tons." I say.

"We've missed you too. I'm glad you came to visit us, it had been a while." Char says.

"Yes it had been quite a WHILE." I say as we both laugh.

"So I'm guessing you and Bryce have already made love since you two got here. Do you feel perhaps pregnant ?" Charly says.

"I don't feel any differently but I could be pregnant. As when I was pregnant with Bella I found out 3 weeks in when I felt a slight pain." I say. 

"Her name is Mirabella right ? What inspired such a beautiful name ?" Char asks.

"Yes her name is Mirabella. I would say that what inspired it is the fact it's an Italian name and Bryce and I both have Italian blood running through our veins. But also in general I just really loved the name. Now you, what inspired the name Parker." I say. 

"Hmm well at first tay and I were going to name him James but then at last minute we decided he would be a Parker. I guess we just really fell in love with the name." Char says. 

"Do you see yourself and tay having another child ?" I ask char.

"I'd love to have more children with him but he thinks it's best if we stick with only Parker and have no more children." Char says sadly. Tayler always said that he'd only ever have one child and thats it. I never thought he meant that seriously. Charly once said she envisioned her self with three kids. An eldest son and twin daughters. Charly is an amazing women and an amazing mom. 

"I'm sorry char." I say and she gives me a slight nod.

"It's alright. I'm very happy you and Bryce and trying for more kids, you're an incredible person Addison I'm sure you're an amazing mother." Char says.

"You're a great mom char. You and tay have raised Parker to be an exceptional little boy." I say as char smiles.

"Thank you, adds. I'm surprised you got back together with Bryce after he told you about him and Riley. I'm very happy for you two but it was unexpected." Char says. 

"He and Riley ? What are you talking about ?" I ask. Bryce and Riley had a thing ? 

"I'm sorry but if Bryce hasn't told you about it then I surly can't be the one to say." Char says.

"Charly please, what about Bryce and Riley ?" I ask.

"I-Ok. Well after you left Bryce was miserable, you were his everything so when you left he became a mess. H-He and Riley hooked up one night and then a few weeks later well." Char the stops.

"Charly what happened ?" I ask.

"Ri-Riley got pregnant with Bryces child." Char says.

"WHAT !!!" I practically shout as I stand up. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Bryce and Riley had a child together ?

"Adds calm down." Char says trying to calm me down.

"Don't tell me to calm down. He got my ex best friend PREGNANT fucking PREGNANT Charly." I say angrily.

"Addison, the baby died a few days after its birth. He wasn't strong enough, his fluids were low and he just couldn't survive." Char says. 

"It was a boy ?" I ask as I calm down.

"Yes. They had picked out a name for him he was going to be a, Chris." Char says.

"What would you name your future kids ?"  

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