Metamorphosis Lounge

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It had been several hours since I last spoke to my girlfriend, Melissa. Boy, had I really done it this time! I mean all I wanted to do was have the guys over and watch the game. It's not my fault she's a woman and her place is in the kitchen! Why does she have to get so upset about me asking her to make the guys some food and keep the place clean. As a woman, that's her bloody job!

Letting out a sigh, I look down at my phone and the directions given to me by google maps. Heading down the block, I find myself standing in front of the large ominous cooperate-looking building.

"This must be the place," I mutter as I slip my phone back into my cargo shorts. "Metamorphosis lounge...hmm."

As I walk through the front door and into the lobby, I started really questioning why Melissa had demanded I visit this place. We've had a huge argument, so it was a little odd, but in all honesty, I just wanted to get out of the house. The further away from that menstruating hag the better.

Walking up to the main reception, I notice many stunning young ladies walking around in what can only be described as skin-tight black latex play suites. I genuinely couldn't help but stare at these two beautiful babes. The smaller blonde was kneeling on the floor, begging the taller dark-haired one to stop whipping her. It was super hot!

"Hello sir, can I help you?" The young reception asks as I approach.

Her pristine black dress making me feel extremely undressed for the place. It appears even the naughtiest of places have a strict dress code. Not like the strip clubs, I usually visit.

"Hey sweety," I casually reply as I lean up against the reception counter. "My girlfriends booked me in this evening."

"Oh, is that right sir?" She asks with a big friendly smile. "Can I take your name please?"

"Brian," I reply. "Brian Underwood."

She franticly typing away on her keyboard.

"Ah yes," she says as she looks back up at me and grins. "You are a lucky man, Mr. Underwood. Your girlfriend has booked you in for the deluxe package."

"What is that exactly?" I inquire, leaning towards the young woman behind the desk, hoping to catch a glimpse of her blouse bunnies.

That's when I hear loud clicking and clacking noise, of someone walking in heels, directly behind me.

"Mr. Underwood I presume?" an alluring feminine voice asks.

Turning to see who it was, I'm greeted by the sight of a tall beauty of a redhead. Her black latex play suite barely keeping her perky large breasts contained.

"Who's asking," I reply suspiciously, as I look her up and down.

"I'm your artist for this evening." She softly replies as she gently grabs hold of my hand. Her dainty soft fingers wrapping around my greasy sweaty palm.

"Artist?" I question as the stunning woman turns, with a playful hair flick, and starts leading me down the hall.

"Yes, artist." She responds with confidence. "I like to think I'm the best here. So, you are lucky and in for an unforgettable experience."

My penis couldn't helo but throb with excitement as she leads me down the grey bland corridor. I could have watched her sexy plump arse wiggle in her latex pants all evening. Lucky for me, we pass door after door after door, meaning I did get quite the extended view. As we walked, my penis was pushing firmly against my boxers, wanting to grow mighty. I awkwardly shift it, knowing it was only a matter of time before It got some well-needed attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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