There was something in the air that night ~ Part 1

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"Y/N? Are you nearly ready sweet?" You heard your mum shout to you from downstairs. You were getting ready to go the party of the year and you could tell your mum was clearly over excited about it, you however didn't particularly enjoy these types of things but since your mum was the 'famous Olivia Colman' it meant that you had the opportunity to meet a bunch of A-List celebrities. This years Party was being held at Helena Bonham Carters house, your mums best friend. Helena and your mum were absolutely inseparable and who could blame them, they were so bubbly and lovable that it made you envy the fact that you never had that type of relationship with anyone before.
You were wearing your favourite little black dress that accentuated your curves perfectly and had paired it with a pair of black 6 inch heels in order to make you much taller than you were on a day-to-day basis. You stopped at the shops on the way to Helena's to pick up alcohol and some flowers to thank her for hosting the party.
Before you knew it, you had pulled up into Helena's driveway and were walking up to her front door.
you felt nervous, but why? You had been to these types of things hundreds of times and you were used to it by now. But you felt... what was it? Was you excited to see her? You had even gone out of your way to get her flowers for godsake!
"Collie! So nice to see you! And y/n, you've gotten so big" Helena squealed excitedly as she opened the door snapping you out of your thought. You went to say something but no noise seemed to leave your mouth.
As you walked through her huge house you couldn't help but think about how Helena had first greeted you, 'you've gotten so big'  that's something that people say to children, did she really think of you as just that?
Of course she did, your were her best friends daughter, nothing more. More importantly, why was this bothering you so much? You had never thought so intently about a conversation before but she seemed to have some sort of unexpected affect on you.
You just needed to take your mind of the whole thing, surely you were just being silly. There was no way you had feelings for this woman. She was almost 3 times your age, and you were just a hormonal teenager.
Within minutes you were already at the open bar, downing any drinks that came into your reach. You were getting so tipsy you felt as if you'd need help standing up by the end of the night.
It was just then, that you remembered the flowers you had gotten to thank Helena for this whole party. Considering how tipsy you were, you figured that now would be the best time as you felt 10x more confident than usual.
Walking over to Helena, who was stood talking to a group of people with a champagne glass in your hand, you couldn't help but admire how angelic she looked in this moment. Her brown, curly hair piled on the top of her head and her red lips shining as the flashing lights reflected of them. You were so head-over-heels for the woman stood in front of you that it was crazy.
She noticed that you had been staring at her and began to walk, well stumble towards you. The woman was drunk, so drunk she couldn't even walk straight. She stopped infront of you and looked you in the eyes. The sheer amount of butterflies that had given you was inexplicable. Slowly, you could see her eyes begin to travel about 8 inches south of your eyes. Was she really staring at your breasts?
"Eyes are up here missy" you whispered to her, you had no idea where this confidence was coming from but it was working for you, so you just went with it.
"Oh- uhm... you look amazing tonight..."
She was blushing like crazy, was she flirting with you?
No, it couldn't be. There was no way she felt that way towards you. It was definitely the alcohol talking.
"Your blushing... oh I got you these flowers to thank you for tonight."
"Oh how sweet of you angel, I love them." She was smiling like crazy, it made you feel so warm inside knowing that you had made her this happy, and now it was you that was starting to blush.
Oh the things that nickname did to you.
You both just stood, staring at one another, admiring each other beauty for a while. It was like you were the only two people in the world in that moment. You could look at her for hours and hours and never get tired. She was ethereal, nobody could deny it.
Ever so slowly, you felt her hand brush up against yours and hold it in her grasp. You gulped, maybe a little too loudly and had almost forgotten how to breathe.
"What do you say we go and grab a couple of drink together dear?"
There it was again, the nickname. They drove you crazy every time.
You reached the bar and helped Helena slowly sit down so that she wouldn't tumble over, you knew she shouldn't drink anymore than she already had done, but you were too drunk yourself to realise it.
"I hate these types of things, too many people and too much noise." You heard her mumble quietly, but you still caught it.
"Are you okay Hellie-" you saw her blush again. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"
"That's okay, you can call me Hellie if you like darling."
You were so madly in love with this woman, you had no idea what you were going to do about it, she was driving you crazy by doing the slightest things, even the way she held her champagne glass made you want to grab hold of her and kiss her right there and then. But, she was happily married, and not just to anyone. She was married to the Tim Burton, they were Hollywood's favourite gothic couple and there was no way she'd throw that out the window for a 16 year old girl.
And that's when you saw him walking toward her. A sense of sadness washed over you as he put his arm around her shoulder. You felt like you could cry right there. No you were gonna cry. Tears started welling up in your eyes and you couldn't stop them.
She noticed this. She noticed it completely.
"Come and dance with me hellie." He said it in an almost demanding tone, as if giving her no choice to decline. And that's when you broke. Tears started flowing down your cheeks within seconds and you couldn't stop them.
"Excuse me for a moment." You got off your chair and ran. You searched and searched for some sort of room that you could hide away in. You just wanted to cry forever and ever. This was insane, how could a married 55 year old women have this kind of effect on you. You had never even felt this way before. Before tonight she was just Helena Bonham Carter, your mums best friend. And now? Now she was this woman that you were madly in love with. It was as if there was something in the air.
You found an empty bathroom on the second floor and locked yourself in. You leant against the door, needing support to stand up straight. You were a mess and all you needed in that moment was her. Only her.

A/N ~ Hello my darlings! This was the first fanfic that I've ever written so I'm so sorry if it's bad. I finished writing this at about 1am so I'll probably come back to it later and improve things. This was a pretty boring chapter but I promise there will be SMUT in the next one so stay tuned! The next part should be out either later today or tomorrow. I love you all and I hope you enjoyed <3

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