Nexus Event

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"Please father I know training is important, but I have gotten better have I not?" Thor asked her father pleadingly with her hammer Mjolnir in hand. Her mother Frigga died when she was extremely young and ever since then Odin has been extremely cold and calloused even going far enough to tell Loki that she was adopted and of her true parentage not that it mattered to Thor.

"What will you be doing if I give you time off?" he asked coldly barely glancing at the blonde who was looking more and more like his late wife with each passing day.

"I just wish to spend time with my sister and my friends sir. I haven't gotten to be with Loki, Sif, Volstagg, Balder, Fandral and Hogun in what feels like eons," she explained. Everyday from the moment she woke up far before the sun rose Odin had her training until far after the sunset. He looked into his daughters blue eyes and in that moment he caved slightly even if he didn't show it on his face. 

"You have fifteen minutes and are not permitted to leave the castle lest you wish to continue training from a prison cell in the dungeons until you are of age to take the throne."

Thor contained her excitement until she got out of the throne room but as soon as she was out of her tyrannical fathers sights she sprinted up the stairs to tell her sister the good news.

"Loki, you won't believe it father is giving me fifteen minutes." The sisters hugged and the two began to play with the things they had scattered around the room. Loki always dreamed of joining the Valkyrie to protect her sister and Asgard from danger, but knew Odin would never allow a frost giant despite the kindness he has thus far extended, but Thor promised her that when she took the throne she could be whatever she so pleased and even walk around with her blue skin if she wanted. While reenacting one of the Valkyries many heroic battles with Thor jokingly swinging her hammer about pretending to be the villain for Loki to fight people in strange clothes showed up through an orange portal.

"There's our variants," the lead one said and two men grabbed Loki and two grabbed Thor the latter refusing to let go of her hammer. "On the authority of the TimeKeepers I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Sacred Timeline." They handed both young girls onto the authoritative women who walked through the portal despite the two girls protests and screams. "Reset it," the women said cruelly.

There was another man on the other side of the portal struggling and screaming. "Help him," Loki and Thor screamed at the same time feeling useless. Thor was about to try to use her hammer to save him and themselves but Loki shook her head slightly knowing how impulsive her sister can be and that those plans never worked out well. The TVA hadn't noticed Mjolnir yet even if they had mere mortals couldn't pick up the hammer because Odin got it enchanted so that only those worthy can wield the power of Thor as both a line of defense and an ultimatum to always be worthy.

 Loki got her daggers taken away before they continued but Mjolnir couldn't be lifted so they allowed Thor to keep it since she couldn't really do anything while surrounded by agents. Together the sisters had their clothes vaporized by some strange machine just to be put into prison jumpsuits, then they had to verify every word they've ever said and Thor's stack of papers was significantly  larger than Loki's. Afterwards they fell into a room where they had to get a picture of their aura and verify that they have a soul. Thor had no issues stepping up and going to the strange machine just wanting to get everything done and over with so they can go back home but she could tell Loki was scared and she hesitated before stepping through as well. Finally they were taken to a courtroom.

"Next case," a man sitting at the judges desk said as he looked down at the two girls. Loki bit the person holding her and stomped on her foot and Thor followed suit swinging her hammer at her captors head and knocking them out cold. Loki took something from the woman holding her and opened up her own portal and the two sisters were whisked into time. When they stepped through to the other side their clothes were soaked through but they didn't care about the storm around them they were just happy to be free.

"What do we do now Loki?" Thor said looking up at her older sister fearfully. 

"We stay alive, come on let's get inside that store Thor okay?" Loki asked knowing that Thor liked thinking she was in charge even when she was scared out if her mind.


And just like that Haven Hills, Alabama became their home for the next few months, the girls got new clothes and hid in the shelter with  everyone else and right when the worst was about to wipe out the store Loki programed a new location into the device they stole from the woman.

Over the years they learned a lot, like how to hide in apocalypse's(that one they learned very quickly after almost being taken again for trying to go home). They learned all about the TVA and their "noble" purpose of keeping the timeline clean from mistakes like them. The sisters never understood what their nexus event was but they figured it had to be something with their heritage so they no longer wanted to be known as Loki and Thor. Loki changed her name to Sylvie and bleached her dark hair in a Roxxcart bathroom and Thor changed her name to Amora and dyed her light blonde hair dark brown. Sylvie had always been the more cunning of the two being the goddess of mischief and so she devised a plan to bring down the TVA for good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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