Chapter 1 - hospital

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I woke up in my hospital room feeling like i have been sleeping for forever. I felt the smell. It smelt weird almost like something dead. My nose felt like it was going to collapse by the rutting smell. I slowly got up from my bed that was wet. My first thought was "I peed myself" but i soon realized it was blood. I had blood all over me. What the hell is going on. The blood was covering my body like a thick red fluid. I felt dizzy and sick. I bent over my bed and threw up.

I whipped my mouth and looked up from the floor. I now realized the blood wasn't mine. The doctor was lying there on the floor covered with bite marks and blood. I was shocked and I caught myself just screaming out loud. What is going on? I need to get out of here i really really need to. I was still covered with blood and in my hospital clothes when i picked up the doctors paper to read about what happened to me.

Cinhae 13/04/2021 - ?

Was in a car accident didn't get anything broken. But lost a lot of blood and fell into a coma. Have been in a coma for 3 weeks no signs of waking up soon.

Blood: BA 0
Body: stable

Name: Kim Cinhae
Born: Busan, South Korea
Age: 22 years old
Family: Mom, dad and brother


3 weeks i have been away for 3 whole weeks. What virus? And where is my family? The blood was dripping of my body and i was really freaking out by now. I walked to my personal belongings and took up my phone. Only to see it was dead. I guess i have to take me out of here by myself. I felt my legs trembling when i started to walk. I had no clothes, no shoes and i was really starving. I opened the door out to the corridor. The smell was worse here. Like rutting meat and dead body's Looking around i spot a doctor down the hallway walking around and piles of things I couldn't really figure out what it was.

- Excuse me sir
No answer
- Hello you down the hallway where is everyone?
He turned around and started to run towards me. When it was about 10 meters away from me i saw it. His face was rutting and a pice of raw meat was hanging out of his mouth. He was covered in blood and he smelled like a dead person or he is a dead person. I started to run with everything i had. Running through the hallways i realized what the piles was. Dead body's. And it was one that sook me the most. I felt the tears and panic coming out. My best friends face. Chonhae was dead. I started to fell tears but i was still running with everything i got. In every here and there a new dead person started to hunt me. What happened to the world i was used to live in.

I was now close to the entrance with over 10 dead body's hunting me. Do they wanna kill me or do they wanna eat me thats the question. Ran by the reception when a arm pulled me behind a desk. I was about to screen when i meet eyes with a boy right in front of my face. He was holding one hand over my mouth and one signaling i needed to be quiet. I still felt my tears streaming down my cheeks and he softly whipped them of my face. I looked at him and he gave me a soft smile whispering "It's gonna be fine"

He looked over the desk and all the people hunting me had turned around. I just blacked out right away in the boy's arms.

- Why did you bring her Jimin?
- Yeah why?
- I found her at the hospital when I was looking for food. She was covered in blood just like she is now and I couldn't just leave her there. I got the feeling that she didn't know what the hell was going on?

I opened my eyes when a boy looks at me

I sat up in the couch i was placed at when i saw a boy running towards us. I sat up and saw 7 boys looking at me like I was a monster. I spotted the boy i meet at the hospital. He got up from his chair and walked towards the couch i was sitting in. The room was smelling puke and molded. But when he sat down it smelt good. Or right he smelt good. I looked down on my clothes and saw the blood still all over me, the hospital logo and my whole body was shaking.
The boy next to me placed his little hand on my hand and i looked up at him. His whole face was formed in a soft smile eyes, mouth and nose. I then looked at the other 6 boys who still was looking at me like a monster. I looked always and i felt tears in my eyes. I was scared. Really, really scared. The boy next to me stroke his hand up and down my arm still holding my hand with his other hand.
- Stop looking at her like that. She is shaking and she is really scared already don't be creepy guys.
- Sorry. Girl?
I looked at the boy that was talking to me.

Hey, my name is Namjoon some people call me RM I'm the leader of this group. This is my friends Jungkook, Jin, Jhope, Yoongi, Taehyung and the boy next to you is Jimin.
- Hey...

I said softly and quiet. Namjoon looked at the boys and the talked

- Whats your name little girl?
- Cinhae...
- Okay Cinhae welcome to our group. We will explain everything later but you can first wash of all the blood and then get dressed into something better and warmer. Then we need to talk and get food, okay?
- Yeah.
All the boys stood up and walked away. Expect for Jimin who stayed.
- Do you want me to show you the bathroom?
I nodded...

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