Chanyeol is homeless
Hes always been homeless
He was sure nothing would change that, he was abandoned at the early age of 7, his parents weren't proud of there son and his clumsy antics, they weren't proud of his face when he laughs, or the strange love he had for ferrits, they were especially not proud of his looks, at an early age he was pudgy and wierd looking, his ears were gigantic, and his eyes were so doe like they weren't normal, chanyeol knew that his parents didn't love him, but that didn't stop him from loving them, he trusted them with his heart and he would always do what he was told to do, he loved them and he trusted them completely, thats why When his parents asked if he wanted to go to a restaurant he was ecstatic, he was so happy, they ate together, chanyeol was so happy, he loved them so much, so when his parent said they were going to the bathroom, he didn't bother noticing that they weren't going in the direction of the bathroom, he didn't notice them rushing out the front door, he thought everything was fine, he sat there for three more hours, happy as can be, the manager finally came to him and told him hes been sitting there for around four hours and he needed to pay and get out, chanyeol happily replied that his parents were in the bathroom and will be out soon, the manager walked away, two hours after that chanyeol was still there, it was closing time, the Manager walks out and tells chanyeol to pay, chanyeol says the same thing, his parents are in the bathroom and will be out soon, the manager walks to the bathroom to find no one there, he realizes what happened, but being a mean person, he just kicks him out, telling him off about not paying, chanyeol was incredibly confused, but he still walked over to the alleyway a couple stores down, he sat down and he waited for his parents, sure they would come, he sat in that alley for a week a smile on his face waiting for his beloved parents, the 7 day chanyeol realized they weren't coming back, with that thought he huddled into himself, the smile slipping of his face as his doe eyes watered, hes been abandoned, for 10 years chanyeol lived homeless,Fighting for leftover food in the garbage by the same resteraunt he was abandoned, he lived by leftover food, and water he could manage to steal from peoples garden hose, living in the streets in nothing but borrowed clothes and stench, his home was the little alleyway he stayed in first, the one he waited in for his parents, he thought he would die in that same alleyway, thats what he thought, he thought that like his clothes, he was living on borrowed clothes, he didn't know how he looked anymore, he was afraid to look in the mirror and see disappointment just like his parents, he would cut his hair with glass shards the best he could chanyeol was sure that this winter was his last, it was exactly 27 days after chanyeols birthday, christmas eve to be exact,And it was cold, horribly so. Chanyeol knew that he was going to die tonight, his lips were already turning blue, his eyes were watering with both the cold, and the fact that his end was near, he didn't want to die.
Do KyungSoo, he just finished getting groceries and was on his way back home, he shoved his face closer into his scarf and shivered, it was really cold he concluded, he shrieked in shock as somthing cold touched the back of hsi neck, and anger ate at him as he realized his neck was cold and someone stole his scarf, he turned around quickly only to see someone's foot running into the alleyway a street down, he stoodThere and bathed in his anger so he could beat the guy who did this reaal nice, he took off at a speed walk towards the alley, holding his neck with his hands to keep the warmth, he turned into the alleyway and walked all the way down to the end of it with an intent to kill, the feeling diminished when he saw the theft, curled up in a ball in the corner of the alleyway, a badly cut mop of brown hair sat on his thefts head, and as he looked lower he could see a pair of beautiful doe eyes, brown and inside them KyungSoo could see years of pain,he could see the fear inside of him, his theft was afraid of him, he looked lower to chanyeols cheeks and saw them, they were puffy and red, absolutely adorable, he looked to theCenter of his thefts face and saw the cutest little nose ever the tip red and his nose scrunched up in fear, KyungSoo smiled slightly, he looked lower and saw plum blue lips , open and panting, wait, blue, kyungsoo freaked out, he looked at the male closer and realized that he was probably homeless, wearing nothing but a thin tee and basketball shorts that were so baggy the sleeve of the shirt slipped of his shoulder, and the shorts were tied up tight, kyungsoo suddenly wished that his theft stole KyungSoo thick winter jacket and wallet so he could be warm and well off, KyungSoo looked up to see his thefts eyes slowly closing, kyungsoo gasped and crouched down too look at his theft, he couldn't see him breath, he put his hands on his theftsChest and sighed when he felt the light breathing, kyungsoo, couldn't leave him there, sho he grabbed chanyeol and tried lifting him up, kyungsoo just now realized that his theft was taller than him, he huffed before he looked around his area, seeing an old cardboard box, kyungsoo grabbed it and tried to place his theft in it, after a while of struggling kyungsoo managed to get him in, he smiled triumphantly and started pulling his theft out of the alley in the box, he pulled him through the streets until he found a cab and hailed it, the cab stopped and kyungsoo, forced the cabbie to help him left chanyeol into the backseat, he told him the address to his apartment, and they were off, notEven 20 minutes later they parked in front of his apartment, and kyungsoo ran up four flights of stairs and opened his door, running in to get his roommate, he shook beakhyun awake, "dude what the fuck" beakhyun said groggily as he sat up, "just come help me, I got us an early christmas present" kyungsoo states as he pulled beakhyun outside and to the cab, he opened the backdoor of the cab to show a sleeping chanyeol, "what the fuck?" Beakhyun exclaims, "merry christmas, you got a passed out homeless guy, now hurry the he'll up and help me get him inside" kyungsoo stated paying the cabbie and grabbing a hold of chanyeols legs as beakhyun grabbed chanyeols arms "a new eyeliner would have beenBeter gift, I honestly have no idea what you want me to do with this" beakhyun says as the reach the from of there door and pull chanyeol inside, kyungsoo sighed as they put chanyeol into the guest room, on the bed, " shut up, go get the spare clothes my dad keeps here in case he stays over" KyungSoo states as he starts pulling off chanyeols clothes, "wow, rape" beakhyun says as he turns the heat in that room up, and leave, KyungSoo only realizes now that chanyeol looks extremely thin, hes tall as hell, but unhealthily skinny, he ribs were prominent, and he was extremely thin, kyungsoo felt like anything could break him, he was a toothpick, kyungsoo was feeling protective, beakhyun walked in with large fuzzy PJs, they quickly changedHim and tucked him under the covers, kyungsoo was happy to see his lips regain color, KyungSoo sighed before turning around and walking out of the room, beakhyun right behind him, he closed the door and walked to his room, beakhyun voiced his concern "what the heck, why did we take in a homeless guy? When did I agree to this?" Beakhyun stated in disbelief, KyungSoo turned around and looked at him annoyed "I dont know why I took him in, but he needs us, and second, you didn't agree, but you dont pay the rent so fuck off" kyungsoo says before closing his door and falling into his bed, letting the hands of sleep pull him in, beakhyun sighed before locking the front door and going to his own room.
First chapter, tell me all of the typos I made, I didnt look over this, I kinda dont remember making this, I was tired and when im tired I act a little drunk, and rhis time I wrote 14 full pages in my notes on this phone, so I went through it I found this, and I like it, and I already have its future planned, so should I continue this or not? Tell me if anything dosnt make sense also, P.S please tell me what you think, the good and the bad