Angels on Earth

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The clouds were a beautiful pale shade of steely grey, the first glimpse of colour I had seen for a long, long time. Sunlight warmly welcomed us and shone brightly, illuminating our glowing, white luminous skin as dawn slowly approached. The humans below were awakening; soon enough they would be all continuing their daily routine, the same one I had watched take place for hundreds and thousands of days now, when not a minute had crept by that I hadn't dreamt of walking on Earth once more. Arms raised and robes flowing in the breeze, we were becoming closer and closer to the ground.

Lowering ourselves cautiously, Sathian took held of my hand as my feet touched the soil. Ariel just smiled contently; her calm and relaxed expression suggested that she had done this many times before. Isda and I however were bursting with anxiety, my heart rate quickening rapidly as I struggled to keep my balance. Millions of tiny butterflies were doing calisthenics in my stomach as I realised where I was, and focused my vision properly: Earth. And it was exactly how I remember it, the exact same place where we left it last. We were standing in a huge green field that stretched for miles and miles behind me, with long choppy grass up to my knees and rows of neat houses backing the fence in the distance, Earth's fluffy white clouds dancing along the horizon. 

    "Is everyone ok? Are all still alive and breathing?" Sathian enquired us in a cheery voice, as he let go of me and adjusted the strap on his wings. His golden hair was beautiful, so soft-looking and sweeping across his perfectly shaped face; such a typical look for an archangel. I laughed at what he had so innocently asked us.

    "Alive and breathing?" I joked. "That's a smart thing to say to a group of angels, isn't it?"

In response to this he muttered something under his breath, chuckling and shaking his head. Isda and I exchanged looks for the excitement was just too overwhelming. We were here! Finally here! This is what we had been waiting for. What we had been fighting for. Nathaniel came close to my side and shyly took my hand in his. I felt so privileged to be just simply feeling the wind on my cheeks and hear the whistling of a bird nearby. So special to be walking on this precious soil, and to taste the fresh air on my lips.

Standing still we took in our surroundings, savouring the moment and simply stunned by the beauty, sounds and the smells of the Earth around us.  To be able to experience life as a human was my wish, and my wish was His command.

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