Chapter 29.

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      Jungkook read the text message only to feel like someone stole a piece of him that was once whole. Where did he go wrong? All he did was shower Jimin in love, and yet, he was rejected unceremoniously like all his affectionate gestures meant nothing. All the events were so sudden and unexpected, and it left Jungkook's thoughts in turbulence. Now, the maknae was in his car, hitting his driver's wheel at a rough pace, and tears were endlessly pouring down his cheeks and onto his lap. Jungkook didn't know what to do anymore—his plans were entirely at play until Taehyung showed up to ruin their kiss and dragged the mochi to a place that he knew nothing of. His heart was shattered into fragments, his body felt heavy, and he could barely breathe through the sniffles passing his stinging nose. All he could do now was return back to the Bangtan apartment—maybe even drown himself in a few drinks of vodka if they had any.

      Collapsing inside when he entered and his rivers of tears saturating the carpets, his weeping reflected through the walls that the whole floor of their room could hear. This made Namjoon and Seokjin rush from the kitchen to the whimpering bunny.

      "Koo, it's okay," Seokjin stroked Jungkook's hair who was still laying on the floor with his body curled into a small ball. "Do you want more company? I could call Yoongs and Hobi to come back from the mall." The eldest soothed. Jungkook shook his head no.

      "Hey, don't cry. Jimin doesn't deserve your tears, and you don't deserve his." Namjoon added in his husky voice. Seokjin nodded when Jungkook looked up at his hyungs. The whites of his eyes were decorated with red lines and his dark bags were sagged. The youngest crawled into his hyungs embrace and sat in both of their laps like they were his teddy bears.

      "B-But, I-I thought h-he was mine."

      "Just rest." Seokjin continued.

      The maknae cried himself to sleep. His eyes fluttered shut and his muscular arms found their way to both the elder's waist to hold them together into a hug as he slumbered. Namjoon gave Seokjin a worried look after wiping Jungkook's tears with the sleeve of his shirt. Seokjin merely emitted a loud sigh and looked back at Jungkook. Both boys were engrossed in Jungkook's beauty—they always were—but, never had they experienced the maknae in a doze. He was beautiful, even when he was in oceans of tears. It just broke their hearts to see him in that certain condition.

      "He'll be okay, right?" Namjoon whispered.

      "Yeah—he's a strong guy. He'll make it. Jimin had a choice to accept Jungkook's confession or reject it—none of us have the right to force him into a relationship he doesn't want. All it means is that Jungkook is better with someone else, I guess." Seokjin whispered. He gave his leader a weary smile that Namjoon returned.

      Namjoon broke their gaze and looked away. "Who do you think he'll be with, Jin-hyung?"

      Seokjin's smile faded. He looked back at the youngest who was now snoring. "Joonie, I really don't know. Since I'm the eldest, and you're our leader, I think it's our job to keep the youngest happy no matter what happens or who he dates."

      He leaned towards the youngest and pecked him on the cheek. Namjoon nodded and did the same, a puddle of saliva left behind where his lips once were. Seokjin wiped it away with his sleeve and blushed at the sleeping beauty.

      Suddenly, there was a noise at the front door, and Taehyung and Jimin came in. Their eyes darted from Seokjin, to Namjoon, and to Jungkook who was snoozing in their laps. Jimin's heart couldn't take the aching feeling when he saw Jungkook's cheeks bright pink from his sobbing and his hyung's worried stares. He rushed to his side and brought the youngest into the tightest hug.

      "Is he okay? I'm really sorry, baby Kookie." Jimin whispered. Taehyung kneeled beside his mochi and placed a hand on his back.

      "He's okay, Jimin. You don't have to say sorry. You had a choice, and you chose to reject him. It's better than getting into a relationship you're not sure about." Namjoon said. Seokjin nodded.

      Jimin gave Jungkook a quick peck on the lips and hugged him again, making the younger squirm. "I'm really sorry baby Kookie, I love someone else." Jimin's voice was so low that no one else heard.

      "What is Taehyung doing here?" Namjoon said bitterly.

      Taehyung's head hung low. Jimin turned to him and wrapped his arms around the jock's waist and rested his head on the crook of his shoulder. "Don't worry; Taehyungie said sorry." Jimin assured with a smile. Taehyung looked behind him and smiled back.

      Seokjin lowered his eyes. "I hope he isn't lying again."

      "I'm sorry—I really am." Taehyung murmured.


      There was a hustle of keys at the front door, and in stepped a couple who just returned from the mall with their hands clutching on to milk teas and their arms carrying plastic bags with their purchases. They both examined the scene and their smiles drifted away from both their lips when they discovered Jungkook's dead eyes and pink cheeks.

      "Is he alright?" Yoongi asked.

      Everyone exchanged looks before Namjoon could answer. "He's all good."

      Hoseok suddenly had a cocky smirk on his face when he realized Jungkook's position. "So, Jin and Namjoon-hyung, is there something you want to tell—" His sentence was brought to an abrupt halt when Seokjin gave him a sinister glare. "Never mind!" He scratched the back of his hair anxiously.

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