Chapter 2

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My heart starts pounding in my chest. I feel Ben's arm tighten around me as he looks toward me. I look up at him as my heart pounds even more, not surprised if Mike or Ben could hear it. I can barely hear anything over the sound of the blood rushing through my ears.

Why the hell would Mike be calling us? My eyes widen slightly. Has it been 27 years already? Wait, why does 27 years seem so...

"Ben, can you hear me?" Mike says, through the phone.

Ben breaks eye contact with me and looks back at the phone.

"Yeah, sorry. I...Hey, Mike. How's it going?" Ben tries to start a conversation.

"Ben, is Emily with you?" He asks.

"She can hear you." Ben says just loud enough for him to hear.

"Guys, you need to come home."

As he says this shivers run down my spine and I get goosebumps.

"Home?" I whisper.

My chest tightens as dread suddenly fills my body. I don't even remember why but just thinking about Derry makes me want to run straight for the hills, never looking back, and hide away for the rest of eternity. Ben quickly hangs up with Mike before wrapping me in his arms. I grab onto his shirt and look up at him.

"We have to go back." I whisper.

He kisses my forehead for a minute before leaning his against my own.

"Let's...Let's pack up and take a few days off work."

I nod at his suggestion before walking past him toward our bedroom. I open the door before walking straight to our shared closet after throwing the towel in the laundry bin. Yes, we share a closet. See, I am not a girl who spends all her money on clothes. Just give me either a pair of jeans or sweatpants and I'm at my happiest.

Ben walks in a few minutes later and quickly shrugs off his blazer and looks at me.

"Babe, do you remember..." He starts.

"What happened in Derry? No." I whisper. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

Ben pulls out the suitcases from under the bed while I grab a few outfits for each of us. I smile to myself as I pick up one of his thin button ups.

"Do you remember when you first started wearing these?" I try to take his mind off the phone call and turn around holding it up.

He glances up and chuckles. "Junior year."

I smirk before nodding. "What happened that day?"

"My mom went on a vacation with a friend of hers and you slept over for the first time. You woke up and put it on. I continued to ask mom for more after that night, you know? After seeing my beautiful, sex haired girlfriend walking around in my button up?" He growls to himself, causing me to laugh.

"Seriously?" I walk over and put the clothes on the bed.

"Yes, babe. Even after being married for 20 years...still so fucking sexy." He bites his lip and looks at me.

"Even when my tits sag when we first wake up?" I tease.

He smirks and licks his bottom lip. "Not that they do that, but yes. Even then."

I giggle and walk over to pat his cheek. "Good boy. That was the perfect response."


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Forever Love - Ben Hanscom - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now