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Recap:arohi smirks..

Ananya doesnt say anything and comes home..Arjun

Comes there..

Arjun:where did you went Ananya..?I was searching for


Ananya:I went to visit my friend's house..

Arjun:it's ok..

Arushi comes towards Ananya..

Arushi:Mumma..pick me up..

Ananya tends to pick her up and stops..

Ananya in mind:now iam pregnant..can I pick her up in

This condition..it's better I don't..

Ananya:I have work aru..Arjun will pick up..

She leaves from there..Arjun gets confused with her


At night,

Everyone is having dinner..Ananya doesnt have it

And thinks about baby and smiles..Arjun notices her..

Arjun:Ananya..have dinner..?

Ananya:Arjun..iam not hungry..

She gets call and leaves from there..

At midnight,

Ananya comes downstairs slowly and take icecream from

Refrigerator and sits eating that..Arjun sees her missing and

Comes searching of her..Arjun sees Ananya eating ice cream..

Arjun:Ananya..that's for arushi right..

Ananya:what will happen if I eat..?

Arjun:but you never have ice Creams..

Ananya:if your problem is iam having then iam not gonna


She leaves from there angrily..Arohi comes there..

Arohi:who knows..dii is wantedly ignoring both of you

To get rid of you both..may be she found someone..didn't

You saw her losing in someone's thoughts..

Arjun:shut your mouth..don't dare to talk about Ananya..

He leaves from there..

Next morning,

Ananya was drawing the baby's picture in her book..

Suddenly Arjun comes there..she closes it..

Arjun:what are you doing Ananya..?why are you hiding..


She leaves from there..Arjun checks her book and sees

A boy drawing..he doesnt see next drawing of baby..

(That boy drawing was drawn by Ananya when Ananya

And Arjun are in relationship..)

Arjun leaves from there angrily..

After sometime,

Saurabh:Ananya..when will you say about this..?

Ananya:Saurabh I will say when time comes don't worry..

Saurabh:iam feeling pity for you..you sacrificed bhai to

That Arohi but still she came to snatch the happiness of


Ananya:Saurabh leave it..I will do something...I need

Your help thats it..

Saurabh:I will always help you..

They both shakes hand and Arjun sees everything and

Listens too..

Saurabh leaves..Arjun comes there angrily..

Arjun:so you didn't left me as you don't love me..you

Misunderstood me blamed me and sacrificed to your

Sister..am I toy or joker..?

Ananya:Arjun..please..I will say you clearly..

Arjun:no need iam not gonna listen..you both played

With my feelings..now iam the one who struck between

You both..how could you sacrifice me Ananya..?

You even didn't thought about my feelings..if you

Thought we would be happy today..

Ananya cries..

Ananya:Arjun..please..don't say like that..

Arjun leaves from there angrily..

He comes to his room and sees Arohi crying..she hugs him

But doesnt hug her back..Ananya comes there to meet

Arjun and gets shocked seeing them..Arohi smirks..

Arjun stands confusingly..Ananya leaves from there..

Arjun makes him release himself and leaves..

Next morning,

Arjun in mind:I behaved wrongly..I should think about

Her situation too..Ananya too sacrificed me how Saurabh

Sacrificed her to me..I should ask her to forgive me..

He comes to her room and sees her missing..

Saurabh:bhai..watchman told that Ananya left early

Morning with her stuff..

Arjun gets shocked..he tends to search her and sees her

File and gets shocked..

Arjun:this means Ananya is pregnant and that's why she

Behaved like that..

He remembers how she behaved..he sees her drawing book

Opening and sees baby drawing..he holds the book close

To his heart and cries..

Flashback ends..

          STAY TUNED!!!!!!

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