The caress of a hand

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     Silk sheets pressed gently against Hannibal's chest as he stared at the ceiling. It was late but he found himself unable to sleep, his mind far too stimulated with thoughts of Will. His eyes a cool blue, sharp enough to make a man bleed, had such a fearsome gaze. He could have watched him appraise the book shelf forever the first day he arrived. The way his brows furrowed when he read made him look wiser than his years. When he was deep in thought he almost looked angry, but Hannibal could tell that wasn't the case. He's sure he would know if Will was angry, he was almost certain. He rolled over onto his side, trying to achieve the perfect sleeping position. Hannibal's mind wandered restlessly. It had been a few weeks since he arrived and it was as if he was still holding Hannibal at arms length. Much to his dismay that most certainly was the case.   

      The lust he felt had only grown for his new friend. He wondered what Will looked like after a long day of taking care of the dogs in his previous home. His skin hot with sweat, his face flushed as heavy breaths fell from his lips, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his shirt unbuttoned to reveal his collar bones. As he bent to rub a dogs belly, his jeans stressed around his ass. Hannibal wet his lips with his tongue, just thinking about Will made him want to give him everything. " Maybe a puppy.", he thought, trying to think of ways to woo.  Hannibal had never been a dog person, but he could learn. Leaning up out of bed he slid his feet into his slippers and made his way to the art studio. Perhaps drawing for a bit would ease his mind into sleep, instead of impulse buying a dog. He would do that later. 

    He made sure his foot falls were quiet as not to disturb. Then he noticed the door to Will's room was ajar, peculiar. A sound came from downstairs as the smell of coffee wafted up the stairs. Will stood in the kitchen in his night wear, dark blue pajamas that Hannibal had purchased shortly after the no pants incident. Will was glad that there was a coffee maker because he didn't know how to use a french press especially not when he was in such a sleep deprived state. Not to mention the coffee maker was on the high end side so it took him a good fifteen minutes to figure out all the buttons. "Coffee at this time of night is bad for your sleep cycle.", Hannibal's voice rang out causing will to curse. " Damn, don't sneak up on me like that. You're so quiet." Though his foul language would normally be considered a pest, Hannibal always let it go. The soft spot he had for the young man only growing. He leaned slack against the counter as he relaxed," I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well just stay up. " Next time you have difficulty sleeping, please come wake me so I can make you some tea. It's quite the sleep aid when made with lavender or chamomile." "I'll remember that. What are you doing awake?", he said lightly shifting his hips. "I often also have trouble with sleep.", Hannibal said his eyes skimming over Will's hips while he wasn't looking, "Perhaps we could make that coffee Irish and you could join me in the study for a night cap." 

     Two cups sat on the coffee table in the study, both enjoying the company. Elegant legs sat crossed and the others spread comfortably. There was a warm silence in the room, this was nothing new. The two often spent time together quietly, one drawing while the other read or made fishing lures, glasses slowly falling off the bridge of his nose as he leaned forward to see better. Tonight however was different than those times, they were in their night clothes and alcohol was involved. Will neared the bottom of his mug, his face balmy with drunkeness. He knew he had only had one, but Lecter wasn't stingy with the added whisky. His head spun a bit if he moved too fast so he made a mental note to go slow. Lightly resting his head on his hand he said unprompted," Sometimes I dream of the Vergers. Most of them are nightmares, but sometimes I dream of playing with Margot as a child. We used to pretend that the bed was a boat and the floor was water and we could go anywhere we wanted. Far away from those who were cruel." "What a charming childhood memory, though you speak of it with such malice.", Lecter said goading Will on for more. "Good memories are far and few between when it comes to that family, especially when it comes to Mason." Will had finished his drink and it worked as if it were truth serum. " I've met that man on a few occasions and I can confidently say he does nothing but displease me.", Hannibal added pleased with the fire and bite in Will's voice. "Even now you're being far too polite when speaking about him. He doesn't deserve the courtesy of good words and pleasantries. He's inconsiderate and base to say the least not to mention violent.", Will spat. "Violent? I'm guessing he wasn't a gentle playmate.", he said. Will tensed at his choice of words. "Is he the one who gave you those?" Hannibal said motioning to the scars on the right side of Will's neck. "Yes. Most injuries I still have remnants of are from him." Hannibal clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together. Distasteful was an understatement. Mason would have to be dealt with, slowly. His jaw relaxed as a sudden idea came to mind. Eyes met Will's and then he knew it wouldn't be him who dealt with Mason. Not if things went as planned. Hannibal stood and closed the gap between he and Will. "He shouldn't have treated you so poorly.", his hand falling to will's maimed neck, gently caressing it. A small gasp fell from his lips at the sudden contact and then he was hugged. Hannibal didn't look upon him with pity as many others did. He didn't tell him he was sorry or try and make light of the situation, he let will be angry. No one had ever let him be angry before. There was so much bottled up inside of him, pure rage. Before Will knew what was happening he was standing and wrapping his arms around Hannibal's broad shoulders. 

         Strong arms wrapped around his waist and he felt safe, god did he feel safe. It was probably the alcohol talking but he couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be. He was so warm in the arms of the doctor, as if he was melting in a vat of wax. Their bodies were flush with one another and Will knew he was in trouble. He could feel Hannibal lightly pressed against his leg. He wasn't fully hard, but it was enough for Will to realize how close they were. The older man then breathed him in with a long inhale. He was too buzzed to fully feel embarrassed, but he had a feeling that even if he was completely sober he still wouldn't be.  He tightened his grip and let Hannibal smell his neck. Large hands made their way up his back to rub between his shoulder blades. The soothing action was so calming it was starting to make him drowsy. After a few minutes of this he let his hands trail down from Hannibal's neck and lightly push away off his chest, " It's pretty late, we should both get to bed." " As you wish, are you ok to walk by yourself ?" Will nodded his head," I should be fine, it'll take more than some whiskey and a few stairs to take me out." Hannibal chuckled, " I should hope so." As Will neared his room, thoughts of the embraced muddled his mind and for once he let something good just be good. He allowed himself solace in Hannibal. When he finally reached his bed he collapsed into the expensive sheets and into sleep.

        The sound of clumsy steps trailed up the stairs and then behind a closed door. Hannibal relaxed back into his arm chair, allowing the tension to shoot straight to his cock. He was right there in his arms so close. He found himself craving the scent of his companion. It was sweet with the slightest musk, a soft smell, but a fresh one. The lack of warmth made his body yearn for Will. " That boy will be the death of me."  He reached down and cupped himself through his pajama pants and softly stroked. It had been a long time since he had felt like masturbating, but Will really brought out the younger man in him. He untied the drawstrings and lightly pulled the pants down in the front to get a better grip. The memory of that first morning when Will was on display for his eyes alone flooded his thoughts and the smell his senses. He wanted to bite into his flesh and mark him in the places Mason had made his claim. No one else was allowed to touch him ever again if Hannibal had his way. The head of his dick had started to leak as he massaged the slit. Deep grunts were starting to echo in his throat. Leg muscles started to tense as his hips began to raise off the chair, he was getting close. He grabbed some tissues from the box on the table. Those eyes, that body, and the pure power behind his angry words, took Hannibal's breath away. He wanted to see him kill, to unleash that power onto some peon. It would be so gorgeous that he had no doubt even the individual that endured Will's wrath would want to thank him. Those thoughts pushed him over the edge and he came with a guttural growl. He took his time cleaning himself before readjusting his pants and throwing away the tissues. The cups found their home in the kitchen sink and he climbed into bed relaxed and satiated, for now.


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