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saturday, 23rd january 2022

6:24 pm

syds pov

i was adding the last layer to my mascara before grabbing my car keys and heading down to the living room.the girl gad planned a night out today and we were just going to a local chinese restaurant.

mom-where are you going

syd-im going for dinner with my friends i told you



i said before starting my car and driving to my friend jules's house to pick her up

i messaged her as soon as i was down and she came running



jules-who else are you picking

syd-oh no one aliyah and kaylie are already there


we spoke about some random stuff on the way and we reached pretty quickly

we entered the restaurant and it was so cute so i decided to take some pictures and post them.

sydneywaldrof just posted !

sydneywaldrof  just posted !

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liked by aliyah

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liked by aliyah.faze and 374 others
sydneywaldrof-table manners
view all 26 comments
jules_barton-love the shirt !
anya-your gorgeous wtf
23 january 2022

we talking about all our problems when a group of really good looking guys walked into the restaurant.
after some while of talking jules gave an idea of us playing truth or dare and we all agreed too play
jules-kaylie your up first
jules-do you still like ryan?
she said looking around again
aliyah-syd pick
aliyah-go ask for any guy you find the hottest over there for his numbers
syd-really ?
aliyah-yes,now go own

i walked over to the other table and asked a guy for his number he had brown hair and quite a few tattoos.
syd-um hi
I said looking back at my friend with an embarrassed look
he said as I looked back
syd-uh,so actually I got a dare to get any guy I find the cutests number,so..
vinnie-so you think i'm cute ?
he asked with a slight smirk and his friends laughed slightly
syd-well that's besides the point,I asked for your number. for a dare 
I said rolling my eyes looking back too him
he took my phone and typed his number down and saved it
syd-okie thanks
vinnie-yeah text me
syd-mhm,I will
I said as I walked back to my table
jules-wait you got it ??
I said laughing
we spoke about all random stuff the rest of the night and then left for home.


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