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Dream messages Geroge on discord if he wanted to come over to hang out, he says sure and dream gets ready for him to come over.

----------Geroge's POV--------------------------------

Man I'm excited to go hang out with dream, i just get so cozy inside when i get near him, i dont know why, I just do... Anyways let me just knock on the door.


*Dream Opens the door*

"Oh hey Geroge."

He looks... kinda cute...

"Hi Dream, can i come in?"


----------3rd Person POV-----------------------------

Dream and Geroge sit on the couch, they talk for a bit and decide to play a game, Geroge blushing a bit when dream touches him. Dream is beating Geroge by a lot.

Dream says, "I told you i was good at this game!" "Yeah, i just wanted to see if i could beat you, which i did 2 times" Geroge says. Dream looks at Geroge and says "You wanna play a few more rounds?" Geroge says "Sure!" He mumbled really quietly "but also so i can be next to you..."

"What was that Geroge?"

"Oh Nothing"


By a few rounds, dream actually meant to say, yeah lets play until 11 PM.

Geroge says "Man its getting a bit late, i should get goin-"

Dream fell asleep and started to lay on Geroges shoulder, he blushes a lot because dream looks cute asleep and likes feeling him.

He enjoys the moment and lays down and put the covers on them both. since the couch was small, Geroge kinda puts Dream on top of him, which made him blush more.

Dream wakes up from the movement and looks at geroge and blushes a lot since he was basically cuddling with him. He hides his face in Geroges chest and Geroge blushes more.

'Screw it' Geroge thought

And then he

Miners in Love (Dream x Geroge)Where stories live. Discover now