Zombie Story (Beta)

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  Hello! My name Is Levi and I may start writing stories on here. This is a short story I wrote for my school. Please tell me if you would be actually interested in this story line and i can actually write it. Only doing it if I get good responses.


 I never saw it coming, but I guess nobody else did either. Something like this is only supposed to happen in sci-fi books or films. I have lost so many people to these –monsters– I suppose you can call them. My name is Isabella Thornton, myself and my two year old daughter, Faith, are all alone in this nightmare. We are trying to find a safe haven somewhere in this world. A safe place; away from these stereotypical “Zombies” that have made it out of stories and onto our streets. There was a lot more of us, but they managed to get caught by the monsters. When you get caught, you become one eventually. Everything that we know has changed; nothing is important but mere survival from day to day.

      I know exactly what I was doing when all of this started. I was sitting up in my bed on my laptop typing out a story for my first book to be released. I had always wanted to be a writer and finally got a publisher that would help me. Being a young twenty-two year old wife and mother it was hard to have the time to get around to finding a good one. Now my publisher is probably dead or worse. Music used to help my ideas flow into my brain, so naturally I had my iPod headphones in my ear and I couldn’t really hear anything else. Every artist that was on that thing will never be heard again. Faith was already put down for bed about two hours so I knew I wouldn’t hear anything out of her. The music was really relaxing; my day had been really crazy. I bought plane tickets for my parents who live in Georgia and can’t afford to travel all the way to New York City to see us very often, because the economy has really hit them hard. So I decided to get them the tickets since I haven’t seen them in nearly six months. I will probably never see them again, I don’t even know if they are alive now. I was surprised to see my husband, Sam, come rushing into the bedroom.

     “Honey! What is wrong?’’ I asked him, pulling my headphones out of my ears. But he didn’t need to answer then. I heard it all, screams. Screams from outside in the streets, screams that still haunt me every day. Screams I still hear. I jumped up to look out the window. What I saw was beyond anything I had ever seen; now it’s just the norm. People were outside eating each other!  I turned away from the window and automatically thought to call the police. I reached for my cell when Sam came over and grabbed my hand. I was terribly confused.

“It won’t help. Get Faith, we have to get out of this place,” he said, choking back tears. I had never seen him so scared.

“What is happening out there?” It was stupid to waste time asking questions; maybe if I hadn’t then we would have had more time.

“I don’t exactly know, but it isn’t just here. It’s all over the state, probably the country, and possibly the world.” Sam started to get tote bags and stuffing them with clothes and things. I didn’t say another word. I just went and did as he said. When I got into Faiths room I never thought that we wouldn’t be coming back into it. I really didn’t know a lot of what was about to happen.

      Sam thought it was best if we went through the alley behind the apartment complex that we lived in. I kept asking him what the plan was but he only knew we had to get out of the city somehow. He said we had to find help from the government or military. I was holding onto Faith for dear life. Right before leaving I tried to call my parents or some close friends, but it either just kept ringing or went straight to voice mail. I tried calling 911, but it rang busy, I didn’t even know that was possible. Surely this wasn’t that bad I had thought to myself.

     The streets wouldn’t have been a smart way to go. One of the things would have gotten us for sure. In the alley it was empty and abandoned, almost. Sam was right in front of me. We had found a door to try and go into to rest for a little while, but then things got bad. The thing came out of nowhere and grabbed Sam, my husband, my only love. They hit the ground hard. Sam tried to put up a fight but this thing was human, but so inhuman at the same time. It smelled of rotting flesh, because that’s exactly what it is. It bit into his neck and let out a grown of pleasure as it began tearing into him more. All Sam could do was lay there. So much blood, so much. Sam was unselfish till the very end he screamed at us to run into the door and lock it. Clutching onto Faith I ran past the monster, it didn’t notice, it had already gotten its prize for the day. Lucky for us the door was unlocked. I looked back before slamming the door and locking it. You could hardy tell that it was Sam on the ground anymore. I slammed the door and bolted it shut.

     I have no idea where we will go. I don’t even know if we will survive. All I know is that I have to try for my daughters well being. We need food and a permanent shelter. Maybe help will come soon. I am Isabella Thorton and I will survive this nightmare. I just wonder, is there anyone else alive out there?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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