Chapter 2: Friends with the same disease

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After 1 year, me and howard were discharged to be able to leave that "private clinic" and start studying biotech science together.

Howard was kind of a brother to me, because although he also goes through the same thing as me, he's the only person who cares about me, and even though we study biotech science together. Howard is still trying to help me get back to being an actress, just like I've always dreamed of!

H:Hey Ashley!

A:Oh hey Howard, did you bring the ice cream that I asked you?

H:Nop, but I brought something better, I have news that I'm sure you will love!

A:What is it then?!

H:Remember that audition you did for the role of a kidnapping victim in a movie? Well you were chosen!

A:NO WAY! You're making fun of me, aren't you?!

H:Why would I make fun of you?! But yes you got the role, you will enter the movie!

A:Oh my god, I cant belive it! Thank you so much Howard!

H:Why are you saying thank you, the job was all yours, that's why you got the role silly!

A:I dont care, it was because of you that I got the role, so thank you!

H:Yeah yeah okay, but we have to leave because the rehearsals are at 4:00 pm!

A:Oh okay, let's go!

*In the rehearsals, Ashley goes to a man that is with his back turned*

A:Hey! Excuse me, are you the director of this filme?

D:Oh hey, no I'm one of the protagonists! Wait, are you that girl that Johannah told me?! I'm David, we went to the same school remember!


D:Yeah, don't you remember me? We even went to skate lessons together!

A:Oh David pfff obviosly I remember about you!

Wait, are you the kidnapper? The one that I'm going to work, almost every scene in the movie?!

D:Yep, that's me!

A:Oh god! Okay, umm I got to go so um see you next rehearsal!

*Some time later at Ashley and Howard's house*.

A:*Ashley having an panic attack* Howard?! HOWARD ARE YOU HERE?!Oh god please please answer the phone!

*Went to the mailbox, after the tone leave your message*

*With breathing almost failling* Umm hey Howard it's me Ashley, I dont know where are you but please come because *sighs* im kinda of having, you know, a panic attack, please come quickly please!

*Ashley almost fainting and foaming at the mouth, lying on the floor*

H:Hey Ashley I'm Home!




I- i- I'm calling 911 please, please dont leave me!

*911 what's your emergency?*

H:Umm hello, so my roomate is almost fainting and foaming at the mouth and I dont know what to do!

*Okay breathe, do you know why this happened?

H:Uh no no, I was at the shopping, and I guess she tried to phone me but I didn't picked the phone, can you send help quickly?!

*I've already called for help sir, don't worry, in less than 5 minutes we're there*

H:Oh okay, thank you so much!

*Ambulance siren ringing*

*Knocking at the door*911 sir open the door!

*Howard opens the door* 

H:Is she okay?!

Some doctor:She is okay, but we have to take her to the hospital immediately!

H:Can I go in the ambulence with her?

Some doctor:Yes you can!

H:Thank you doctor!

*In the ambulance with Howard and Ashley*

H:Oh Ashley I'm so so sorry for not answering the phone, it was obvious that you needed help and once again, I could not help you!I feel like the stupidest guy on earth right now, I'm so so sorry AGAIN Ashley, if I were you I could never forgive myself, I'm so sorry Aslhey!

*Ashley waking up*

A:Hey! HEY! Stop crying Howard, I'm okay, don't worry I'm not mad at you!*smiles*

H:Oh thank god, if you were gone I would never have forgiven myself!

A:Dont worry about that Howard, I'm okay now!*smiles*

*They hug eachother*

H: I will never let anything bad happen to you again!

*Howard kisses Ashley*

H:I love you Ashley! See it worked, I told someone different I love you, and I understand if you dont love me right know, because I know how hard it is to forget the person we've always loved, when we have this disease, but I will wait for you, because you are the only that I ever loved so much in my entire life!

A:Howard I-i...

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