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"Avengers, we're having meeting in the office. Be there in five." Tony and Thor walked into the living room where the rest of the team was watching a movie.  Thor was showing a very serious expression. I looked at Nat who was sitting on the couch next to me with a confused face. She shrugged her shoulders and started making her way for the office while I followed behind. We sat in the office waiting for the rest, when they got there Tony turned off the lights and a video began playing on the monitor. It was the battle in New York, when Loki attacked. Clint lowered his head. The video paused on a clip of Loki. "My brothers eyes are not blue, they are green." Clint looked back up, he looked confused. "Loki was being controlled by Thanos." Tony went on to explain that although Loki has caused harm in the past, the attack wasnt in his control. "Anyway, Loki will be released from Shield and he'll be in staying at the tower so we can observe him." My eyes went wide as I scanned the room, examining everyone's face after Tony let out the news. Clint walked out the the room. I looked at Nat and she rolled her eyes and chased after him. I can tell he's not excited about Loki staying with us. "We will be fine, I trust my brother." I read Thor's thoughts to see if he was being serious, and he was. Tony sighed and tried to help the situation with a joke. "Class dismissed." I didn't really care for Loki, but want can I do.

After the meeting I roamed around the tower, bored out of my mind. I decided to make a cup of coffee. I was sitting in the kitchen scrolling on my phone when I heard the door open. I turned and saw Wanda, her face got red. "Oh, uh- I'm sorry, i'll come back later." I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. "You're fine, come in." She nodded and awkwardly walked to the fridge. I could tell she was nervous. "Ally, about last night-" She was cut off by Natasha who decided to join the party. "What happened last night?" I choked on my coffee and Wanda walked out of the kitchen. "Ahh I see it, good job." She hit my arm. "Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes and continued with my coffee. "How's Clint? I know he's not fond of Loki." Natasha laughed and shook her head. "Horrible. He blames himself for New York. Loki staying here now won't ever help that. We'll see how everything goes tonight when he arrives." "Wait tonight?" "Yep, counting down the minutes." I didn't except him to be coming so soon. Not sure how I feel about living with a murderer but whatever.

Later that night.
I heard the helicopter land on the roof so I decided to go out to greet our new guest. It looks like I wasn't the only one. Everyone was making there way up there, except Clint. I stood behind Steve and Nat, discreetly hiding myself behind them. I watched as he got off the helicopter. He slowly made his way to us. "Miss me?" Thor stepped forward. "Hi brother." I peaked over Steve's shoulder and took a step away from him. Loki started walking towards me and Steve grabbed his arm, he could tell I was scared as I was looking at the ground. "I'm just introducing myself." I nodded and Steve let him go. When I saw his feet approach. "Loki, I don't think we've met." I looked up, He smirked. My eyes went straight to his. I finally snapped out of it when I felt Nat hit my arm. "Use your words, darling." I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks from Loki's remark. "Allegra. I'm Allegra Carson. It's nice to meet you." Loki started to laugh, everyone stood quiet. Tony decided to break the silence. "Ally how about you show Loki to his room." I looked at Tony confused. "Where is he staying?" "The room across from yours." My eyes widened and I heard Natasha giggle. "Great. Follow me."

While walking to the room I didn't say a word but I could see Loki looking at me from the corner of my eye. We finally reached the room after the longest walk of my life. "You're right here." I point to Loki's door. "Perfect, thank you darling." I turned to go into my room but Loki didn't move. When I opened my door I turned to Loki. He grabbed his door handle. "Care to join me?" I made a surprised face at his question. "I'm kidding." He started laughing. "Good! I wasn't going to anyway." He stopped laughing and I went into my room. I banged my head on the door as it closed and sat in the floor. "Fuck."

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