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Luke's P.O.V
Hello Luke the doctor said when he came into the room. Hey Dr.Davis I said lost in thought. What if a do have cancer what about julie I thought. You have have been having a sharp pain in the chest right Dr.Davis asked me. yes I answered. I am sorry to say but you have Lung cancer its in stage 1 thank goodness you came in when you did because if caught in stage 3 or 4 maybe even 2 we might not have been able to treat you with the medical services you need. Lung cancer a lot of people die of lung cancer what about julie I thought. Do you have any treatment I asked. Yes I can right you some prescription drugs and we will have to do a cat scan in the next few weeks. What are the meds I asked. MITT for cancer, live long,and Vanish Cancer (these are all fake as you can tell)

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