Week 2: Drabble Challenge - Mission

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What Is A "Drabble"?

A drabble is a short piece of fiction that is usually less than 200 words. The challenge is to convey something meaningful in a very brief way by using the economics of words.

What Do I Write About?

Every superhero has a mission.

Early on, Spiderman was searching for his mission. What would he do with his powers? At first, it was to get revenge for the man who killed his step-father. But later, he discovered the larger story. He was in the unique position to save the city from the giant lizard. Only he could stop it! We go through our lives looking for a mission. We search for something to give us meaning and purpose. 

In light of these words, this week's prompt is: Mission. 

Please use any character in the Marvel fandom whether they're a superhero or supervillain!

Things to Consider

• Pay attention to your grammar and spelling to make sure that your story is understandable and accessible.

•  Guidelines for word count: Minimum - 100 wordsMaximum - 300 words. 

• Try to convey feeling and emotion in your story with ample depth and detail.

• Keep your content appropriate for all Wattpadders to enjoy!

• Make sure your work is original. Do not copy another writer's work!


•  To participate, post your entry link as a comment on this story from your Wattpad profile. Also don't forget to tag your drabble #marveldrabbleweek2.

•  Since this contest is substantially shorter, the deadline for submissions is Sunday, March 22, 2015.

•  Feel free to give your drabble a creative title, as well as indicate any ships in brackets - it won't take away from your word limit! Please submit only one (1) drabble for this contest.

Dates & Judges

The contest will run for a week, starting on Sunday, March 15th and ending on Sunday, March 22nd at 11:59 EST. The Wattpad Team will choose up to three (3) of our favorite drabbles, and we will announce the winners by Monday, March 23rd.

To celebrate our favorite entries, the winners of the Contest will receive a shoutout from our profile and be added to our Marvel Contest Winners Reading List. Winners will have to post their drabble as a story in order for us to add it to an appropriately themed reading list.

Happy writing!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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