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Charles was part of the Blackouts. They weren't evil, but they were bad. They were robbers, thieves. They were trained and even better than the Toppats. Most of their robberies were blamed on the Toppats and they pretty much never got caught. There weren't many members in the Blackouts. Only about 80 people. Charles was the leader, so, he had all the responsibilities of organising things and also where to put all the precious, glimmering jewels they've stolen. The smaller jewels usually go to the members who've stolen them. If it was big, then it would go to the Blackouts' base. The Blackouts' base was deep in the forest, underground. It would be unnoticed even by radar or any metal detector.

Not many people knew about the Blackouts. Most people thought they were a rumour, a myth, a legend. Others, believed that they existed, that they were going to take all the precious gems in the world one day. People called them the 'Blackout Believers' or 'Blackouters' Many people thought they were mad and they were laughed at, telling them there were already criminal organisations, for instance, the Toppats so criminals would join them instead.

Charles looked up and around cautiously, checking there were no lights or anyone looking at him. He still had a creepy feeling someone was watching him, which usually doesn't occur as much. Charles swiped his black hood back on, hoping no one would recognise him. He quietly leaped off the roof of the expensive jewellery store and very carefully peeked inside. Of course, he saw nobody inside but it was necessary to check inside before doing anything rash. There wasn't anything except the glass cases with sparkling jewellery inside and a few security cameras, luckily, facing away from him.
Charles threw a EMP bomb, which took out any electric technology in a 2km radius, blew up with a quiet poof! Charles saw most the remaining faraway lights in the city turn off. Too easy... he thought, rolling his eyes. Now that the cameras and the alarms were off, Charles used a special Blackouts laser and carefully cut a perfect circle in the glass. He took out beautiful, expensive, sparkling necklace which had glimmering diamonds and sapphires hanging from it. Supposedly, it was the most expensive piece of jewellery in the country. But it was unguarded and the security was very lax.
Wow.. Charles stared at the necklace for a moment, admiring the handiwork and the beauty of it. He took the case the necklace was in and carefully put it back in. Charles held and closed the case tightly and climbed out of the jewellery store onto the roof. Another successful, easy robbery Charles thought, smiling maliciously and returning back to the Blackout's base, unseen and unheard.

The Blackouts (Henry x Charles) (possible continuation)Where stories live. Discover now