Chapter 1

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Henry was walking to the government's base when he heard someone call his name.

"Hey Henry! Wait up!" Rupert was running to him, with Dave right behind him.

"You good?" Henry said, worriedly smiling at Rupert

"Whew.. Henry- the General" Rupert wheezed and coughed, "needs you at his-" He coughed again "Office"

A few minutes later Henry reached the General's office. He opened the door and he saw the General and Charles inside the office. Was it just Henry or did his heart start beating faster the closer he got to Charles...?

"Oh, Henry! Just in time!" the General said, looking up from his papers "There was another robbery last night, at a jewellery store. Probably the Toppats again"

"We're going to the scene to see how and why they didn't get caught by the cameras" Charles said, looking worriedly at Henry. "It's interesting because they usually get caught" Henry could feel himself slightly blushing, but before anyone could notice, the General stood up.

"Yes... Oh! The time! We must go" the General said, walking out of the office. "This way." He led Henry and Charles to one of the government's vans. "Hop in." the General said, pressing a button in the driver's seat. The back doors of the van automatically opened and Henry and Charles climbed inside. They drove through the streets of the city until they reached the jewellery store.

Henry opened the door and stepped out. There were already police there blocking off the store. They were inspecting the jewellery store very closely. The General, Henry and Charles ducked under the police tape that was blocking off the store. They all walked inside and looked around. It looks completely normal... Henry thought, looking around with a confused look on his face. All the rings and necklaces displayed on the windows were there, untouched. What- oh Henry saw one of the glass cases carefully cut out. A small space inside the glass, probably had something large on it. Two police officers, one with a small book and the other with a small tool, were walking out the door. Henry overheard a bit of their conversation while they were walking out.

"No traces of fingerprints or anything personal detected" the officer with the papers said tiredly, "They probably had gloves on or somethin'..." their voices faded away into the crowd that was starting to surround the jewellery store. Henry looked and walked over to the glass case that was cut. How would anyone cut glass so neatly like that? Interesting Henry lightly touched the edges of the glass. It was so smooth too... it didn't cut him at all. like it was carved into that shape- maybe they used something like a laser? Henry walked back to Charles and the General, who were back outside, trying to figure out how the glass was cut.

"Um.. EXCUSE ME!" Henry heard a child's voice call out "I saw what happened! I swear! It was from my bedroom window!" Henry turned and saw a child, probably about six or seven. Henry crouched down and asked,

"What did you see? Anything weird?"

"Yes! There was this person on top of the store! They jumped down into the store when it was my bed time. They went WOOSH WHIZZ! And they did a super flip and they went into the store and came out and ran away like sonic the hedgehog!!"

"Um.. when is your bed time?" Henry asked, curious.

"I think about eight o' clock. But it might have been nine o' clock I didn't look at the time" the child said with a thinking face on. Henry smiled and said,

"Hmm.. Thanks.. I-I'll talk to the General about this" Henry stood up and walked over to the General, who was talking to a police officer. After the General was done talking to the police officer, Henry told the General about the child, and the General replied,

"I'll go have a chat with her. You can go inside and  investigate the store if you'd like"

The Blackouts (Henry x Charles) (possible continuation)Where stories live. Discover now