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Instead of leaving the pub, I end up going round the back and through a little hallway, leading me to the toilets.

I enter the females and I cringe at how grotty and run down it looks. The appearance of the toilet makes me shudder repeatedly. There are three cubicles and each one I step in is absolutely disgusting and lacks toilet paper. I decide against using the toilet and I end up splashing cool tap water on my face to cool myself down.

I look at myself and realise that there's dark circles around my eyes.

I stare and criticise my facial features for another five minutes before turning around to exit the toilets.

I really need to get out of here, coming here was a mistake.

The minute I open the door and step out, I  collide with another body. My whole body bounces back from the impact but a pair of forceful hands grab harshly onto my waist, preventing me from falling against the toilet door.

As I look up at my rescuer, my breath hitches - it's him.

"Are you alright?" He says, pulling me up until I find my balance.

I try to answer back but I've somehow lost my voice at the sight of him.

I end up nodding my head for too long, earning a strange look.

Does he even recognise me from the pharmacy?

"This isn't a place for 16 year old girls" He scoffs.

I frown at his words and it raises my suspicion on who he really is.

"How do you know my age?"

"Judging by how young you look, it's not that hard to guess. But you need to leave; it will only be a matter of time before someone here asks you for ID" He replies coolly.

His words aren't convincing so I try to find another way to extract information from him.

"I-I'll leave i-if you let me use your phone to call my mom to come and pick me up" I say with as much confidence as possible

He frowns at me before hesitantly pulling out his phone and unlocking it before giving it to me.

I take it with shaky hands and take a glance at him but he already has his back faced to me, staring at an old and tattered poster on the wall.

I take the chance and quickly open up his messages.

I hastily stroll down before I come across a message to someone named "Ana".

My heart begins to race when I open the message.

These are the exact same messages Harry sent me last night at the cemetery.

"Harry" I whisper.

He hears me and turns around in surprise.

"Harry" I repeat again.

"So, you've finally figured out who I am then?" He says with a coy smirk plastered on his face.

"Y-you - what?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before constructing a question to ask him.

"That night in the cemetery, the first time I met you. You had a knife. W-were you trying to kill me?"

"No, I wasn't trying to kill you, Anastasia." He says with a stoic look that chills me to the core.

"Wh-Why were you following me?"

In an instance, he grabs my arm before pulling me down the hallway, heading to a fire exit.

"Where are we going? Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere private"

He pushes the fire exit door open before turning left, still pulling me along.

We end up round the back of the pub in a car park.

"I thought I told you that you were to not to try and get to know me?" He says as he lets go of my hand arm.

"I never said I was trying to get to know you"

"Then explain to me why you followed me here from the pharmacy?"

I immediately blush at the fact that he's caught on to what I did and I'm beginning to regret the whole thing.

"That's not the point; you told me at the cemetery that you'd been watching me for a while now. I mean, isn't that a cause for concern? I had to be sure that I knew that you weren't some sort of stalker. I saw you at the pharmacy and I knew that I'd seen you before somewhere and I was so convinced that it was you, Harry, so I had to follow you to try and talk to you, which clearly hasn't gone to plan" I explain.

"Well you're talking to me now" He retorts.

"That's not what I meant" I strain.

"Look, just go. Like I said forget about my existence" He mumbles before turning around.

"Forget about your existence? You told me you've been watching me for a while and you want me to forget about your existence? You know, my dad's a cop and I can easily report you for harassment."

I wonder where all this newfound confidence is coming from.

"Oh I'm sure David won't do much, apart from slap it on my record" He chuckles

"How do you know my dad?" I question him.

"Well, let's say . . . me and you dad go way back" He answers.

I frown at his answer but decide to not press it any further.

"What did you mean when you said 'I'm not one you'd want to know'?"

He turns around to face me again with a look of confusion.

"T-the letter you left, you wrote that you're not one that I'd want to know. What did you mean by that?"

"Exactly that" He states.

His face looks as if it's made from marble.

"What does 'exactly that' mean?"

"Does daddy not tell you anything? Maybe ask him about me sometime, I'm sure he'll be more than glad to give you an endless list of why you should stay far away from me as possible" He spits with pure bitterness.

"Why can't you just tell me? Or summarise it if it's too long?"

"Anastasia, it's not as easy as that. Just please, it would be a lot easier if you kept your distance" He says.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I can't do that. You're too intriguing. Like you just seem like a huge mystery, or a 1000 piece jigsaw that wants to be solved. I don't even know what I'm saying"

"What were you doing in the pharmacy earlier?" He asks, swiftly switching the subject.

"You really want to know?"

"I mean, yeah, but you don't have to tell me" He responds.

I take in a deep breath and tell him the truth.

"I'm uh, I'm ment- uh I'm, I'm ill."

I quickly look up at him, expecting a weird or freaked out look, but I don't get one.


I go on to explain to him what I mean.


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