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tristan: look.. you don't know me but if you did you would be scared of me

y/n: no i wouldn't

tristan: let me in on a little secret

you close the door and you both sit down on the couch.

tristan: i'm from california, and i lived in a big town. i was part of a gang and were the worst kids on the streets. we were called the street smokers. we were the most known gang in the city. the only people who didn't know us were the cops. we did stuff i don't think you want to hear. so i wouldn't be surprised if you fear me now

y/n: you dimwit!

you start balling out laughing until ur dead

y/n: you really think..hahah.. that a little backstory is going to scare me! you're too funny

tristan: you do realize i could fucking kill you, right?

y/n: duh, does it look like i care?

tristan: so you wouldn't care if i put a gun to your head right now

y/n: go ahead! i know you won't

tristan: lucky for you i have one right now

y/n: ... okay? you wouldn't kill me right on the spot

tristan: yeah i would. i never get caught

y/n: my moms going to be home soon, your mom
knows where you are right now, you wouldn't know where to hid the body since this is a new neighborhood for you.

tristan: i know this neighborhood is not a good one. i could find some randos and put you in a bag if i wanted to

y/n: you'd still get caught

(tristan's pov)
this girl is about to get on my last nerves omfg. i know she's right but i can't prove her point. i should just leave? why am i even here still??

(back to you)

y/n: look, let's just make a deal to never talk each other again

tristan: that's the smartest thing i've heard come out of your mouth all day

y/n: *sigh* we obviously don't get along and i don't feel like being friends with someone who will set me back in life

tristan: same goes for me

y/n: now just go! i'll text your mom you wanted to get some fresh air and i had a test to study

tristan: no! don't text her! she said i'm not allowed to go out anymore so if she ever finds out i wasn't ever with you she'll be mad.

y/n: fine. then give me your number. i'll tell you when to get back here.

tristan: fuck no! i'll just go home on my own.

y/n: fine!

tristan leaves slamming the front door. you sigh in relief. is this really my neighbor? i cant believe this. for once i thought there would be someone good in this town other then ash and brooke.

your mom comes home and you tell her about what happened while she makes dinner.

y/m: my piece of advice is to ignore him, or get to know him

y/n: mom i'm not gonna be able to get to know him! and quite frankly, i don't want to!

y/m: no matter how bad people seem, there never bad in the inside.. unle-

y/n: unless they have a mental disorder.. i know i know

y/m: just be nice to him if you ever see him around! i won't force you to hangout with him.

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