Choice a: Kiss Louis

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I'm so weak... but so determined. With all my strength, I inch my head close to Louis's, just close enough to kiss him on the lips. Louis's eyes widen. I would be surprised too--just before, I had tried to kill him, then I'd lied to him in an attempt to escape the basement. But now... this just feels so right, in a weird sort of way. After a moment, he closes his eyes and kisses me back.

But then... I feel something. I feel... my arms and legs start to regain feeling--I can move! Louis notices it too, looking just as astonished. I use my arms to pick myself up, looking straight at the witch.

"Wh-What are you doing...? You shouldn't be able to stand!" she yells in confused rage.

Louis gets up, too, still towering over the witch, still in the form of Glenda. He bears his teeth and pounces on her as I watch, standing to the side. But just as I think we've won, she begins to... transform.

Louis is thrown back with great force. I gasp. the body of Glenda rips and tears until it's barely recognizable. Behind her are these black tendrils coming from her back, which are long enough to hold her up in the air like a monstrous spider. Her body sheds and under her skin emerges something black and slimy; her face is now a large mouth filled with razor-sharp fangs.

I had never seen anything more terrifying in my life. I shudder, then look over to Louis. Something's different about him, too. He's gradually reducing in height and his fur seems to be disappearing--the true love's kiss worked! And at the worst possible time.
The witch cackles demonically.

"What's wrong? Do you miss your horrible curse, now? Oh, silly humans, I will enjoy tearing you apart and harvesting your souls! Deadass!"

I run over to Louis and grab his hand. I don't know how, but I've got the feeling we can take her down... together!

"THIS IS FOR MY BROTHER, YOU BITCH!" she screams as she throws some more magic at us. It comes at us fast, faster than what we could possibly dodge. Still holding hands, we hold our free hands up and, somehow, deflect the blast! It hits the witch in one of her tendrils... She's just as surprised as us.

"Agh, fuck! You've gotta be fucking kidding me right now!" she screams. "Ok, Harry Potter, this power of love shit is getting fucking old! I'll have you know I studied at Harvard! I know shitty writing when I s--"

Suddenly, she convulses like a couple thousand volts of electricity are shooting through her body. I stare at Louis, who stares at me back. Behind the witch is a team of people in suits. No... they're fursuits! Furries?!

"Stand back!" a voice calls out. It's a female voice with a strong southern accent. It sounds so... familiar. I let go of Louis's hand to confront one of them.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

"I said stand back, Jacob!" she replies sternly. She knows my name?!

They take us to some weird secret base. They even blindfolded us on the way there. When we're there, Louis and I are escorted to some kind of interrogation room, where we sit on a chair. The white fursuit with the southern accent sits across us. Her fake dog eyes stare into our souls before she finally removes her head.

"Charlotte?!" I exclaim.

"What the hell?!" Louis adds.

"Hello, Jacob. Louis. We've been keeping an eye on you two," Charlotte replies dryly.

"Charlotte, what's going on?" I ask.

"Well, briefly, we're a team of secret agents known as the Spy Dogs. We had reports of some kind of... anomaly occurring in the general vicinity of Louis's home. When we searched your basement, we discovered the door and found you and some kind of monster," she answers, then she takes out a pen and paper. "And now's the time for you to fill in the blanks."

It takes about an hour to tell her the full story, making sure to sugarcoat the literal kidnapping.

"I... see," she says. "And so... that thing we tased... was the witch?"

"That's right," Louis says.

"Wait... you mean you didn't kill her?" I respond. all our eyes widen.

At the prison segment of the facility, Charlotte goes over to the witch's room, and to our shock and terror... the large metal door is wide open. All three of us exchange horrified glances as a hypothetical camera zooms out of the scene.

(1, B, a)

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