About our kids 🥰

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Nova in the MM 

Hey guys Ray here and im going to talk about our kids. While my baes are out getting food, I thought I'd make this video. So, you all know Nova but ya'll don't know everything. So, Nova was born Nova Dayton Lee Williams on August 15th. She has been our pride of joy ever since. So now imma get into some of the questions from my Instagram. Question #1 is Why are you pregnant again? Well I loved being pregnant the first time but this baby will have Bay's and Chris's DNA instead of mine and his. Question #2 is Why did Bayleigh have the next baby and my answer would be since her first pregnancy what hard and we wanted to make sure it was completely safe I said we could do IVF and I would carry it. Question #3 How are you feeling and i'm feeling really good this pregnancy is way easier then my last one except for the cravings which bring me to Question #4 What kind of cravings are you having and we just want to eat is peanut butter pickles and hot Cheetos hahah. Question #5 Are your partners excited and yes, they are. Since I heard the garage open imma end the video here but dm me if you have any ideas for more videos.

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