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AHAhA this is my first ever post about this idea. In light of the Twilight Saga being added to Netflix here goes nothing. I do not know if anyone has done this before or not, so please don't come at me.

This is my first work so I imagine the grammar and spelling will be off, but i will try my best to deliver top notch works for someone of my level of English skills.

This is the twilight saga reimagined where Charlie Swan is Billy Blacks biological brother. Therefore making Balla a part of the Quileute tribe, and a werewolf. Instead of Team Jacob and Team Edward this edit in the plot will make Jacob Bella's biological cousin. I'm going to be making their relationship more of a protective almost sibling-like bond.

Bella left with her mom at a young age only coming back to see her Dad every summer for a few weeks until she was 7, because of this she doesn't believe in the old tribe stories as much as the others.

In order to have Bella and Edward meet, Bella does end up going to her normal high school instead of the school the rest of her tribe goes to. This is just because Charlie thinks it'll be better for her, even if Billy does not fully support it. Although Balla and Billy will have a close connection, even if Bella doesn't believe the stories he tells her.
Bella also does not transform or learn of her werewolf Gene until after Jacob does. However, Edward is uncertain if Bella is a werewolf or not, being unable to really smell anything over the scent of her blood. This is also why Edward is able to get so close to Bella, because he's so uncertain, it almost intrigues him in a way to learn what she is. I do make sure to make him cautious about everything like he is in the book.

Instead paleface brown-haired Bella we're going to have a more tan skinned black hair due to the family reassignment of Charlie and Billy, even though she does have her mom's genes her dad's definitely come through more, To the point where Billy used to tell her, “you really have your dad's eyes.” Which makes Bella almost uncomfortable because living with her perfect skinned mom she doesn't feel that confident towards herself.

When Charlie and Renee were still together Charlie had moved off the reservoir to live with Renee for a more normal lifestyle. however since then Charlie has moved back on the reservoir in an almost similar house to Billy not too far away, walking distance if you prefer it that. More detail and structure will appear when the first chapter is released!

Expect the first chapter August 2nd 2021, if anyone sees this

Note: I do not own the Twilight characters

I hope you enjoyed what to look forward too. Along this love path I don't really know what to expect yet, this hasn't really been planned out neatly yet but I do have main plot points that I'm excited to add when I get to it.

I've been wanting to keep it kind of like the books but it won't follow the main plot points but I will try to keep the character development. There will be no little love triangle that Jacob and Edward and Bella had, but there also will not be a Bella Edward love child, meaning

I will be finding someone else for Jacob imprint on hopefully.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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